In April 1935, the US Congress was faced with another commemorative coin "emergency" - this time for the 1935 Old Spanish Trail Half Dollar. (You can read about the 1936 Columbia, South Carolina Half Dollar "emergency" here:
1936 Columbia, SC Sesquicentennial - Congress.
It was another case of an anniversary and/or planned celebration drawing near and a coin that was intended to tie into it being delayed in Congress. The alleged milestone anniversary, in the case of the Old Spanish Trail half dollar, was the "four hundredth anniversary of the expedition of Cabeza de Vaca and the opening of the Old Spanish Trail." (A discussion of the misguided nature of this coin bill can be found here:
1935 Old Spanish Trail - Redux.)
The discussion took place in the House of Representatives; the cast:
- John Joseph Cochran (D-MO), senior member of the House Committee on Coinage, Weights, and Measures
- Marion Anthony Zioncheck (D-WA)
- Charles Dunsmore Millard (R-NY)
- William Doddridge McFarlane (D-TX)
"Mr. COCHRAN. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent for the immediate consideration of two bills, unanimously reported by the Committee on Coinage, Weights, and Measures, to provide for the coinage of 50-cent pieces for historical celebrations to be held this summer. These are emergency measures, and if they are not passed the mint will not be able to turn out the coins in time. There will be absolutely no expense to the Government. Treasury objections have been taken care of.
"Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent for the immediate consideration of the bill (H. R. 6372) to authorize the coinage of 50-cent pieces in connection with the Cabeza de Vaca Expedition and the opening of the Old Spanish Trail.
"The Clerk read the title of the bill.
"Mr. ZIONCHECK. Mr. Speaker, reserving the right to object, are not these bills on the Consent Calendar?
"Mr. COCHRAN. No; they were just reported yesterday, and are emergency bills.
"Mr. ZIONCHECK. Does the gentleman mean to tell the House that the coining of 50-cent pieces is an emergency matter?
"Mr. COCHRAN. It is in this instance, because the celebration is going to be held this summer, and it takes time to make the dies and to strike off the coins.
"Mr. ZIONCHECK. Why were not the bills reported sooner?
"Mr. COCHRAN. Because the Chairman of the Committee on Coinage, Weights, and Measures has been sick. He authorized me, as the ranking member of the committee, to call a meeting to consider these bills; and I called it.
"Mr. ZIONCHECK. Is this for St. Louis again?
"Mr. COCHRAN. No; this is not for St. Louis.
"Mr. MILLARD. Mr. Speaker, reserving the right to object, has the gentleman consulted the minority members of his committee?
"Mr. COCHRAN. Absolutely. They are unanimously in favor of it.
"Mr. McFARLANE. Mr. Speaker, reserving the right to object, has the gentleman taken care of meeting the expense, so it will not cost the Government anything?
"Mr. COCHRAN. Everything is taken care of; it will not cost the Government 5 cents.
"There being no objection, the Clerk read the bill..."[Text of bill inserted into the record.]
Representative Cochran then inserted the Committee Report into the record and the bill was then engrossed and passed before being sent to the Senate. It was passed in the Senate and approved by US President Franklin Delano Roosevelt on June 6, 1935.
The coins were
not struck in time for the Trail's "anniversary" celebration; the coins were not struck until September 1935. Funds derived from the sale of the Old Spanish Trail Half Dollar were to be used to support the "El Paso Museum" vs. defray expenses of a celebration event. Nonetheless, having them available during potential celebrations would have supported their sale. (I've come across an interesting tidbit about the coin and Museum that sheds new light on their connection - I will discuss/post it in the near future.)
Note: The above question regarding a St. Louis bill appears to be in reference to an unsuccessful bill sponsored by Cochran earlier in the Session - "For the relief of the United States Bank of St. Louis, Mo." - it was not specifically a commemorative coin bill.1935 Old Spanish Trail Half Dollar
For more of my topics on commemorative coins and medals, including other Spanish Trail stories, see:
Commems Collection.