Coin Community header ads get over one million impressions per month. All of this traffic is 100% natural, we do not buy any traffic. This means all the traffic is incredibly targeted to coin collecting and precious metals. Header and footer banners must be 150 pixels wide and 75 pixels high. Forum sponsorship banner have a maximum width of 234 pixels and maximum height of 60 pixels and come with a few lines of text. Animation is OK but must be tasteful. If you don't have a banner these sizes and can't make one, I can likely come up with something you will like at no charge. We do not require long term contracts although we do offer a 10% discount for 6 month or more advance purchases. We reserve the right to reject any applications.
Premier Header Banner - $150 / Month - This will replace the eBay listing to the right of the header logo sitewide. Also includes one promotional post every 7 days in our sponsor forum. Banner size: Maximum 728 pixels by 90 pixels, will dynamically resize to users screen. Tasteful animated gifs ok. Scripts will be considered on a case by case basis and must resize. Flyouts, popups, popunders, etc, are strictly prohibited. This placement also comes with one post every 7 days in our advertiser forum. Currently not available, you can use the form to get on the waiting list.
Header Banners - $100 / Month - Also includes one promotional post every 7 days in our advertiser forum.. Banner size: Exactly 150 pixels by 75 pixels. Currently not available, you can use the form to get on the waiting list.
Footer Banners - $50 / Month - Also includes one promotional post every 7 days in our advertiser forum.. Banner size: Exactly 150 pixels by 75 pixels. There is currently one spot available.
Forum Sponsorship - $20 / Month - These get less impressions but are more targeted. They are immediately above the list of topics on each main forum page. The forums available are listed below. Includes one icon style image and a text link. Banner size: Maximum 234 pixels by 60 pixels.
Note: Promotional forum posts are limited to one per sponsor per week, not one per ad.
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