While I also challenge collectors with the question of whether they collect coins or boxes, I am not an advocate of damaging the coin folders you have to "free" the low-value coin they contain.
The folders typically have interesting information about the coin and/or its subject and, IMO, enhance the collecting of the coin vs. detract from it. Why separate them and risk losing the folder?
Let's face it, most modern, mass-produced "collector" coins are never going to experience dramatic increases in market prices (many decline), so why separate the coin from its folder.
I have several of these and they simply don't take up much space. And, whenever I take them out to look at them, I spend as much, if not more, time reviewing the informational content of the folder as I do examining the coin. I will continue to keep mine intact.
Good luck with your collection, whichever direction you head!
Collecting history one coin or medal at a time! (c) commems. All rights reserved.