Recently, I cherrypicked the pictured Connecticut Copper out of a dealer's $1 bin.
I was wondering if anybody could identify the precise variety of this coin. I note that it is a bust facing left, has right obverse legend CONNEC, and has left reverse legend INDE ET.
Due to the mutilated condition of the coin, I am unable to make any further analysis and was hoping that somebody with more knowledge in Connecticut Coppers than myself could weigh in.
Looks like a possible match! Wow, that was impressive; I was not sure that somebody would be able to make out enough to say it was much beyond what I was able to identify. Thank you!
1910s-1C: There is enough detail to confirm a variety Fwiw: I think that I owned the Heaviest example of this variety, clocking in at over 200gr. Thick as a double Cheeseburger...
I picked up a worn Connecticut copper recently and would like to try and ID it myself first. Is there an online reference for varieties and if not, what book should I get? Thanks and sorry for piggybacking on this post.
For ID'ing Connecticuts you can get by with, "Whitman Encyclopedia of Colonial and Early American Coins", but the absolute best is "The Identification and Classification of Connecticut Coppers" By Randall P. Clark
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