Here's the story of a commemorative Silver Dollar whose subject is "American as apple pie!" - the Ford Model T...In February and March 2007, companion bills were introduced in the Senate and House of Representatives, respectively, to commemorate "the Model T Ford Automobile and the 100th anniversary of the Highland Park Plant, Michigan, the birthplace of the assembly line." The Senate bill was introduced by Debbie Stabenow (D-MI); the House bill by John Conyers, Jr. (D-MI).
Note: Henry Ford did not invent the assembly line. Ransom Eli Olds deserves the credit (he received a patent for it!). Olds put the idea to use at his Olds Motor Vehicle Company (Oldsmobile) factory. Ford improved upon Olds' idea and used it to produce millions of Model T cars in plants around the world (not just Michigan!). Olds first used his assembly line in 1901 for his Curved Dash car; the Ford Model T assembly line, after some trial and error, went into service in 1913.The Senate bill was referred to the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs; the House bill to the House Committee on Financial Services, with a further referral to its Subcommittee on Domestic and International Monetary Policy, Trade, and Technology.
The bills called for the striking of up to 500,000 Silver Dollars between January 1, 2010 and December 31, 2010.
The bills included a "Findings" section that listed the following:
"(1) More than 15,000,000 Model T Fords were produced between October 1, 1908, and May 26, 1927.
"(2) By fostering unprecedented personal mobility, the Model T drove the transformation of the landscape, the economy, and the social life of America.
"(3) The assembly line developed for Model T production became the characteristic mode of production in the 20th century and made manufactured goods available in unprecedented abundance.
"(4) The vast numbers of high wage, low skill jobs needed on assembly lines gave millions of Americans access to a middle class life.
"(5) At the height of its popularity, the Model T was manufactured in 20 countries, on every continent except Antarctica.
"(6) In 1999 a panel of automotive experts from across the globe chose the Model T as the "Car of the Century" because of its pervasive, enduring influence.
"(7) 2010 will mark the 100th anniversary of the Highland Park Plant, the birthplace of the assembly line."The bills did not specify design details for the proposed coin, including only a rather generic "emblematic of the Model T Ford and the assembly line" statement. (I can envision an obverse design featuring Henry Ford and his Model T, with an Assembly Line scene on the reverse.)
The issue price of each coin - Proof and Uncirculated versions were specified - was to include a $10 surcharge. Collected surcharge funds were to be split 50/50 between the Motor Cities National Heritage Area for its use in:
"(A) supporting the celebration and preservation of the Model T story; and
"(B) maintaining and expanding national Model T educational programs."
And the Edison Institute (aka, "The Henry Ford") in Dearborn, Michigan "for creating an endowment for maintaining and expanding displays and developing educational programs associated with the Model T Ford Automobile."
Neither bill was reported out of Committee and each, therefore, died for lack of action upon the adjournment of the 110th Congress. Considering the societal and industrial impact of the Model T and Ford's automated assembly line, I think it would have made for a fine US commemorative Silver Dollar. (It was bested in Congress, however, by the 2010 Boy Scouts Centennial Silver Dollar and the 2010 American Veterans Disabled for Life Silver Dollar.)
For more of my topics on commemorative coins and medals, including other What If? commemorative stories, see:
Commems Collection.
For a related Ford medal story, see:
1963 Henry Ford Centennial