@TinyRetreat - I started out with stamps, my father was an avid collector and I used to help him soak stamps off paper and sort them out. My first stamps were his cast-offs but it formed the basis of a collection. Stamps took a hiatus after I found a 1 Thebe coin from Botswana in an aloe bush (of all places) in front of our house in South Africa. I started a basic collection of South African circulating currency and then slowly expanded. I found myself selling and starting again and again until I settled on coins and banknotes (I was particularly intrigued by the Russian currency stamps and the aesthetics of pre-1960 banknotes) in the latter part of the 80's and 90's where I started a type collection of world coins, heavy in English pieces. I found myself selling again in the late 90's when I moved to Cyprus, and concentrated on stamps and Cyprus postal history - but I held on to my Cyprus collections of coins and banknotes and a South African banknote collection. Its been an unorganised journey, made loads of mistakes on the way (especially when I started collecting telephone cards), burnt myself a few times but its been fun, I have met loads of collectors around the world and have struck up some amazing friendships along the way. But, it's time to let go, new interests and commitments have taken over, so, for now, the banknotes and coins will go and eventually most of the stamp collections too.