Today's update:
coinrejector: Daytona Beach FL USA and Las Vegas NV USA
nfine: Phoenix AZ USA and Minneapolis MN USA
igwt79: Baltimore MD USA and El Paso TX USA
Khromatau: Mexico City Mexico and Washington DC USA
jason39305: London England and Charlotte NC
kurdlezuit: Santa Rosa CA USA and Fallbrook CA USA
**nickelsearcher**: San Miguel de Alende Mexico and Zagreb Croatia
ijn1944: Buenos Aires Argentina and Christchurch New Zealand
**keith67**: Warsaw Poland and Budapest Hungary
Joshu-a: Madrid Spain and Boston MA USA
mcshilling: Aruba (I'll assume Oranjestad for the purpose of calculating mileage) and Toronto Canada
oriole: Berlin Germany and Lima Peru
zurie: Taipei Taiwan and Bangkok Thailand
**hondo boguss**: Montreal Canada and Myrtle Beach SC USA
**ttkoo**: Rouen France and Palermo Italy
mrwhiskers: Denver CO USA and New Orleans LA USA
kenkat: Cheyenne WY USA and Osaka Japan
**loonielewy**: Galveston TX USA and Minneapolis MN USA
**cptbilly**: Temuco Chile and Puerto Bacquerizo Moreno, Galapagos Islands (since you didn't specify a city, I picked the largest city/capital of the respective regions)
seeker_101: Liverpool England and Dubrovnik Croatia
halfamind: Victoria Canada and Perth Australia
I6609: Paris France and Cincinnati OH USA
Reminder that CCF supporters are eligible for the bonus coins (designated with asterisks in the above list). Want to become a CCF supporter? Click here: