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Shovel It: A Digaholics Lament

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Pillar of the Community
sarkany's Avatar
864 Posts
 Posted 06/25/2020  11:14 am Show Profile   Bookmark this topic Add sarkany to your friends list Get a Link to this Message Number of Subscribers
It came. Not in the form I was suspecting but a paper chit directing me to the post office. With great haste and expectations I zipped over to the post office. A long plain box was handed to me. Rushed or rather limped out to Nogo and put the item in the trunk. Opening it I extracted a long curricular tube with a fierce looking blade that could cut through a Gorc in one swipe.

Heading to the pitch which was todays spot of choice I stopped at a red light. A sleek souped up Camaro pulled along side of me. Man what a set of pipes mind you the blonde lady driving it also had what her vehicle did. Being bold I shouted over to her and said,"I think my Hyundai can take you any day of the week that your tank is empty." An angelic face looked at me giving a wide smile. I melted! You know the type of smile. Like a grand daughter looking at her grand father. The light changed and she floored it. Got me to thinking about 40 years ago when I was behind the wheel of a black and white.

Arrived at the pitch taking the tools of the trade out of the trunk. Left hand the Ravinator while in the right hand the mighty Quota Guru#2. Sadly the only member of the Guru family that is functional as numbers 1,3 and 4 are at a hospital in Washington waiting to under go surgery! I was loaded with elixirs, concoctions and meds that would be the envy of any grand wizard. The hunt began with coins making their presence known within a very short time. The Ravinator performed brilliantly. A stir in my brain. A Bluenosers deep thought emerged. Four cuts with four movements for each coin which would equate to 200 cuts and movements. Dear Lord...a flashback. As kids at the elementary school we used to go on the merry-go-round and max it , get off and stagger around till the affects wore off then once in a while someone would vomit and everyone would me!

About 15 coins into the dig "Charlie Horse" (hope that is politically allowed these days) visited me sending a cramp up my left leg. Well this bouy started dancing around like a chicken with it's head cut off. Ungodly words were spoken. I sat down on the pitch wondering what in the halibut I was doing here. Got up and started again limping around. Holy cow that was painful. Then I found one.

A few more coins and I called it a day. Heading home I stopped at yet another red light when Nogo started roaring and sputtering. Dear Lord I had just had an oil change, tune up and a brake job. Looking to my left was a string of vets. Looking behind me more of those beasts emitting roars from their exhausts. Thank goodness Nogo was not the one making the racket. Must have been a car show in the area.

Take for the day was 21 coins @ $$.53, a junker(non precious metal ring), a car key fob and one dilapidated body!

Got to thinking nowadays in the time where everyone wants instant gratification most folks just scroll through a blog, post on Facebook or detecting forum and just look at the photos. Find that as I get older the desire to dig is still their but an even stronger urge to write about detecting is coming to the forefront. In particular I follow the blogs of John Winter who some of you might know. His research and insight to the hobby motivates and entertains it's readers. By not reading the post s one misses the inner thoughts, the slight nuances and the meaning of the words within the words.

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tampabaygrampa's Avatar
United States
408 Posts
 Posted 06/25/2020  10:17 pm  Show Profile   Bookmark this reply Add tampabaygrampa to your friends list Get a Link to this Reply
Great description, as usual. Thanks for sharing.

Happy digging!!
Pillar of the Community
fistfulladirt's Avatar
United States
4333 Posts
 Posted 06/26/2020  6:44 pm  Show Profile   Bookmark this reply Add fistfulladirt to your friends list Get a Link to this Reply
Good read, congrats!
When I listen to LED do my neighbors...
Roll hunting since '77
Dirt fishing since '72
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