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sarkany's Last 20 Posts

It Rose For Silver From The Dead
Pillar of the Community
864 Posts
Old Post Posted 04/18/2021  3:34 pm

From it's darkened crypt that had been its home for the past fortnight It arose. Unshaven, beady red eyes with a very discernable lower hang on it's right side. The Romaine lettuce had not killed the thing but left it totally incapacitated in its tomb.
"UGH! Must detect" muttered the aberration that looked like death reincarnated.
Dragging itself to the spare crypt the creature grabbed Quota Guru which somehow sparked new life into the being.
The harpies, gargoyles and other living dead creatures occupied the roadway to the "Field of the Rugrats". None aware of the road nor the rules that govern it. It was almost "tboned" at an intersection raising it's middle finger in salute to the dead pan female driving while on a cell phone.
Ding, ding, ding . Quota Guru was alive. It swung. It dug . Quota and silver was had to be fortified to Hades the god of the netherworld. No brains were consumed during this dig by It.
Back at it's abode the thing not of this world consumed vast quantities of magic elixir prescribed by the Wizard of Id, bathed which removed the stink and skin of the dead and settled in to watch that which is most morbid....the Blue Jays playing ball! IT feeling like not himself or anyone else stared at the African Violet dozing off to a place not of this world!

Forum: Metal Detecting Finds
Season Opener.duo Silver
Pillar of the Community
864 Posts
Old Post Posted 04/06/2021  06:50 am
Great dig and saves. Be safe!
Forum: Metal Detecting Finds
Joy Does Have An End To
Pillar of the Community
864 Posts
Old Post Posted 04/02/2021  3:05 pm
2400 seconds of joy

The rain it did stop
The sun did not pop
I did not eat green eggs and ham.

Out came my machine
I stepped in a latrine
I did not curse nor really give a dam.

Button came out of the ground
Toasty, dirty and totally round.
I would not ware it as it did not match.

Shinny like a gold
Liar to those he told.
I would not display it not in this batch.

Coins that were Canuck
The Garrett amok.
I was leaning, limping wounded and sore

2400 seconds dug
Now a human slug.
I took this message, did not swing no more.

Forum: Metal Detecting Finds

"Q" Gene Fired Up After Hiatus
Pillar of the Community
864 Posts
Old Post Posted 03/28/2021  2:59 pm

"Q" gene activated
Deep within the cerebral cortex a neutron flashed causing a cascade effect on the "Q" gene that lay dormant since the first snow of the pervious ice age.
The digaholic came out of his deep slumber; a stasis of inactivity . Hormones from the past travelled through his veins igniting the desire to seek the "Q". 50 coins in a single day. Could it be done?
The rhythm, the timing and the Garrett ear had to be fine tuned. Without a beat like a heart beat all the Digaholics ingrained skills took over. Beep.....coin, beep.....coin. Mind sharp but the body put into sudden action was degrading rapidly. Beep.....coin.....49,beep.....coin.....50!
With the yearning satisfied the Digaholic dragged his sorry posterior back to his cave seeking comfort from his mate. The pain was too intense bringing to the Digaholics frontal lobe a song or was it a chant in his head that would not leave..."I can't get no satisfaction." An elixir swallowed as the Digaholic nodded into the void dreaming of the restored glory of Clan Garrett.
Forum: Metal Detecting Finds
Medium Coffee Double Milk
Pillar of the Community
864 Posts
Old Post Posted 03/12/2021  05:51 am
Go to the Official Canadian Metal Detecting forum. One of the sponsors there is in Colchester...they have detecting tours. Expensive and the locals strongly suspect that they seed the areas that they bring detectorists too

I have a mate over there that I stay with and we have permissions plus rallies that we attend. That is the rout to go.
Forum: Metal Detecting Finds
Recent Saves Victorian Silver
Pillar of the Community
864 Posts
Old Post Posted 02/28/2021  5:43 pm
Like a date with her...nice scoff youz
Forum: Metal Detecting Finds
Nova Scotian Hardcore Digging
Pillar of the Community
864 Posts
Old Post Posted 02/14/2021  1:17 pm
Saw a fellow Canuck out swinging today. Thinking of doing a swish(water dig) if my rear can serve as an icebreaker on the has been done before. Be safe.
Forum: Metal Detecting Finds
Medium Coffee Double Milk
Pillar of the Community
864 Posts
Old Post Posted 02/05/2021  4:40 pm

Eyes were getting crossed. Head ache crept in as were the walls of my humble abode. Enough. Throwing open the curtain I noticed a rare sight. The sun had come out. For the past few days it has been unseasonably warm. No climate change so say the politicians!
Should I? Why the halibut not. Going to the spare bedroom I opened my digging bag (in younger years it held my hockey gear) lovingly putting together Quota Guru #2. My pulse quickened as I was going to get outside albeit for only an hour. Much better half was off at two.
Going to a park nearby I noticed that the lake was still ice bound (p1) . Hoping the ground was soft. Yes sir! First target a penny which will be added to the "Whenever back to the UK Fund." Very first target and this whimp began to moan and groan. All that time in a static live style ; or was it all that stagnant time? Dug a few more coins in the mush feeling each swing of the coil in my shoulder, each bend in my knees. Eyeballed a Tim's Coffee Gift card followed by a Sobey's one. First thought was that someone had broken into a car or stolen a wallet. None was found.
Hit a set of keys with the Statue of Liberty key chain. I have never been to that "Big Apple" but many a times at the one here in Berwick (p3).
Picked up Marie and we hit Tim's....$1.10 on the card (did take covid measures with finds). Oh well still have the other one. Who knows? (p2)
Got home in time to watch Bayern beat Berlin. Will pay later for my 3o minutes in the sun.

Forum: Metal Detecting Finds
Old Time Creativity For First Dip Detecting
Pillar of the Community
864 Posts
Old Post Posted 01/30/2021  08:43 am
Was light and got a few years service with it and did have some great days!
Forum: Metal Detecting Finds
Old Time Creativity For First Dip Detecting
Pillar of the Community
864 Posts
Old Post Posted 01/29/2021  7:23 pm

Recall the old saying that I would not touch that with a ten foot pole. Well I did. My first water machine was a Freedom 2 with a weighted coil, 12 foot coil wire and a ten foot pole.
My scoop was made from a juice can with both ended removed, a pipe clamp for a handle with mess chicken wire affixed to one end of the can. It lasted for about a dozen scoops and I had to make a new scoop.
Had to go under water and scoop while at the same time hold the pole upright so that the detector wouldn't take a splash. A feat.
By the way I think it was quite a few years later that I brought my first real water machine which was a heavy Seahunter XL500 if I remember correctly. With it also purchased a stainless steel scoop that I still use to this day....once the ice leaves ! Be safe all!
Forum: Metal Detecting Finds
Todays Touch Of Detecting Humor
Pillar of the Community
864 Posts
Old Post Posted 01/26/2021  5:58 pm

Recall a time ago when I was going to initiate a newbie into the hobby. He showed up with his brand new machine with pride vortex gloves and a hunting knife that would make Jim Bowie proud. When asked if he had extra batteries he seemed miffed. When asked about reading the code of ethics for the hobby he beamed and stated that indeed he had. Sharp lad.
I then questioned him on his choice for digging the actual hole and explained that we were doing a field and that a spade shovel was the best for this kind of hunting.
I sent him into the storage shed and told him to take his pick. He went into the shed and came back empty handed some 15 minutes later with a weird look on his face. Looking at the ground he said to me in a low voice, "The shed is full of shovels."
Thinking the bouy must have originally come from York or Newfoundland. Sharp lad indeed!
Forum: Metal Detecting Finds
Todays Chuckle At The Expense Of Our Hobby
Pillar of the Community
864 Posts
Old Post Posted 01/22/2021  4:21 pm
Struck up a conversation with a an old fellow the other day at the library making sure that we keep our voices low. He eventually related to me that he had recently taken up photography which is a hobby he and his wife could do together . It entails being outside, walking and getting fresh air in safety given the climate that we are in with the covid 19.
Being a true Bluenoser with a net shy of a single maceral or herring I responded that I took up the hobby which entails being outside, walking and in relative safety.................metal detecting which my wife totally dislikes!
Forum: Metal Detecting Finds
Smile To Help Make The Day A Brighter One
Pillar of the Community
864 Posts
Old Post Posted 01/22/2021  3:34 pm
The silver if I recall correctly was a dime from the 50 or 60s. Be safe!
Forum: Metal Detecting Finds

Smile To Help Make The Day A Brighter One
Pillar of the Community
864 Posts
Old Post Posted 01/22/2021  07:28 am
This photo was taken a few years back and never fails to bring a smile to my face. Navy Davy and I were detecting "Flying Bra Island.' We code named this place so as the entry shack was draped in bras....very large size if I recall properly.
A man was walking his dog who was off leash. I asked the owner the animals name and he said "Lucy." I called the name and over she came for some attention; in the form of a few pats. She left. Shortly there after I bent down to dig a target that I retrieved, took my glove off to give it a slight cleaning. I was so smitten with this piece of silver that I did not notice that Lucy had taken my glove. When I noticed her running around with it I called her. Quicker then a flash of lightening she came to me releasing my glove after the mandatory pat on the back. Females! Always wanting attention.
Not only had she taken my glove but my heart as well!
Forum: Metal Detecting Finds
State Of The Detectorist Union 2021
Pillar of the Community
864 Posts
Old Post Posted 01/02/2021  3:02 pm
My fellow digaholics we are living in unprecedented times. The crisis that looms over our planet has caused deaths, illness, uncertainty and financial collapse. We will rise above this as a species. No man is an island and no man the cause. As detectorists how does this affect us that are way down on the concern chain? Freedom of movement has caused a natural decline in items that are lost that are the life blood of our hobby. Minor as it may be it enlightens us as to what is to come. A time to refocus! A time to research! A time to get back to the fundamentals of why we chose this great hobby.

It has been often said that no one gets everything. I'm sure we can all attest to this. New places are harder to find especially with the restrictions and the new influx of detectorists. I challenge you to revisit your favorite spots. Dam the discrimination, programs and which machine is better. The machines have not gotten that better over the past fifty years.....we have however as ambassadors of this great hobby. I urge you to redo what has been done with an open mind displaying a vim and vigor for the cause.

The old reoccurring theme of "enlightening" the newbies must be pursued least our limited permissions become a thing of the past as the coins and artifacts that we yearn for become increasingly scarce.

The environment is as fragile as a new born. Can you recall how many times even in the deep woods that you have encountered refuse? What did you do? Can you recount the number of times that you have scanned a playing field and found K9 dodo? What did you do? Just walk on by? For the planet and our hobby how much energy would it take to pick up or remove that offensive item? Questions. We all have questions. As a wise man once said; " You are part of the problem if you are not part of the solution!

To my fellow hobbyists I urge that you explore in a new frame of mind. After all this is a hobby of exploration and love. Be safe.
Forum: Metal Detecting Finds
Most Humble PR For The Hobby
Pillar of the Community
864 Posts
Old Post Posted 12/11/2020  4:21 pm

Shogun Ronoita put forth the message to all his subject in his vast lands that his favorite concubine Anneito had lost her silver bangle that he had personally bestowed up on her.
Zen Guru was not a Ronan but a member of the elite Imperial Guard and his code of Bushido dictated that he must act.
Scouring the last know rice paddy she had visited to see her grandchild who was at a nearby training dojo Zen Guru continued his quest. Zen Guru gave sound and the most sacred item was found.
It was with great pleasure that Zen Guru kneeled before the lotus blossom and returned the bangle who in turn gifted the Guru. Zen was honored to be of service adding yet another entry to his long list of service to the Shogun.

Forum: Metal Detecting Finds
Legend Of Dighole 1882
Pillar of the Community
864 Posts
Old Post Posted 11/22/2020  06:48 am
Dirthole and FBI hunt (1882)
Legend of the Hungosarko Tribe passed through the ages by tongue
Before the fires the tribal elders told the story of their people. A proud noble race who hunted the great land. A land of forests, plains and water. The oldest of the oldest stared intently into the flames of the fire and spoke. Those around the flickering flames stopped the chat , young braves, hunters and gatherers focusing on the passer of the tribes legends. The story was passed.
"I was but a young member of the tribe. Memory is faint. A great white cloud filled the water. Men from a tribe I have never seen came into our land. Strangely dressed. Speaking a tongue no one in the tribe could understand. They gave us colorful beads, spear tips that not even the strongest warrior could bend and coverings of color. Gifts to give these visitors were few; berries, quills from native beasts and furs."
After many seasons. After many moons had gone across the sky our great hunter , named FBI (photo 1) by the visitors was sent to the "Happy Hunting Ground" by the beast from under Mother Earth." Dark times were ahead as Dirthole was the only living member of the Hungosarko tribe. An outcast. One of little value. Came into the tribe as a captive from what the white man called "Acadians."
Dirthole. Named by a squaw in our tribe for his love of putting his hands in the soil of Mother Earth. Elders worried and frowned. To the tribe he was an outcast. A man of no honor or worth. But worth was speaking the tongue the visitors language.
Dighole upon this faithful day was looking for the circles that the white men held in high regard like the mantua of all that lives. Dirt hole was not a hunter of meat to feed the tribe! Searching. Gathering the circles. One was found. Our great mother from across the endless water.
The search had not keep the eyes of Dighole upon that that he walked. Down to Mother earth's bosun did Dighole fall. Mother earth trembled. Looking up towards the sky his story was told in the clouds. A horse galloping. A female from the tribe glancing his way! A hole in the earth spewing white mans circles. The fall! Pain in the rear. Dighole felt pain. A stubble of corn had marked his backside where foul things left his body. He was off the reservation on the land of a planter of the field. He looked skyward and gave praise that no other had seen this . For his fear rose that he might me remembered as "Corn stock up the Rear." After a time. A time spent watching the sky pass he arose.
Having his courage waned Dighole walked to the field that the white man told stories of their past with markings on birch bark. Circles were found. Dighole was again a great gather.
With the circles spirited into his cloth Dighole walked. Walked to the nearest trading post. There he presented his gatherings. It had taken him a full day. The white man gave Dighole a bottle. A bottle of spirits. The most cherished gift of the people from across the endless waters. Dreams came that night to Dighole. Days of glory past, of days of gathering berries, nuts and wild flowers . Things that his adopted tribe values. No pain.
Dighole dreamed. Thought about that which could not be named.

Forum: Metal Detecting Finds
Recent Saves Victorian Silver
Pillar of the Community
864 Posts
Old Post Posted 11/05/2020  4:35 pm
Man you are the man. Any date with Vickie is a most welcomed one. Thanks for letting us have a gander at her and be safe!
Forum: Metal Detecting Finds
Victoria 25 Cents, Inaugural Silver
Pillar of the Community
864 Posts
Old Post Posted 11/03/2020  2:42 pm
Like to have a date with that girl. Outstanding find!
Forum: Metal Detecting Finds
1781 Spanish Silver On A Very Windy Day
Pillar of the Community
864 Posts
Old Post Posted 10/09/2020  3:55 pm
Navy Davy and I did the dew on quite the windy day. Lucked out on a spot where I cold called on a farmer who let us do his three fields. Man what a chore as they were plowed with a deep furrow between the rows. As soon as ND turned on his machine he had a hit which turned out to be a large copper. Thought we were in store for a bonanza but as it turned out it was the only coin from the three fields. Too boot I emptied my wallet buying lamb chops, sausages and blackberry jam from the field owner. Farmer was very cordial which I think opened the door for further digs in the spring.
From there it was off to one of our old permissions that proved to be the location that still gives up the oldies as Navy Davy unearthed his second copper of the day while I was being stalked by a two headed deer (just the camera angle but it was friendly). Shortly thereafter I dug my first toasty copper of the day followed by a 1781 Spanish silver which I scarred with my shovel. was a very deep target which regardless of the condition I was glad to find.
Great day a field with my digging bud! Now time for a quick trip to the "Smart Shop" for this old bouy.
Marie always says that ND gets the best of me and that she the worse as I always come home from the digs whining and complaining about how sore I am. "Tant it da trut youz."

Forum: Metal Detecting Finds

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