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alvaro77's Avatar
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 Posted 05/18/2016  02:45 am Show Profile   Bookmark this topic Add alvaro77 to your friends list Get a Link to this Message Number of Subscribers
Thank you for participating on a school project I was assigned. My topic was coin collecting, if it's dead or dumb. The other studys my classmates got were stamp collecting, hot wheels, beanie babies etc. the point in this studies was to see the current state of this hobbys. I got lots of responses from you all. I determined based on your replies that coin collecting is not dead cause of the amount of replies but it's definitely dumb cause most of you guys sided with the coin dealers point of view and bully me the supposed Collector. You guys say that you are aware that what your buying is worthless for resale and are ok with been taking advantage by coin dealers. The last couple weeks I post some topics as if I was a disrupt collector to prove my point .I hope I get an A on my research.

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Edited by alvaro77
05/18/2016 02:58 am
Pillar of the Community
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 Posted 05/18/2016  02:54 am  Show Profile   Bookmark this reply Add Frazzle to your friends list Get a Link to this Reply
If you were a true collector,you wouldnt worry about selling your coins...Now,If you were studying speculators,then,you'd be spot on!!I hope I can get an A+ for this response
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DL20K's Avatar
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 Posted 05/18/2016  03:05 am  Show Profile   Bookmark this reply Add DL20K to your friends list Get a Link to this Reply
What were your results of other hobbies?
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alvaro77's Avatar
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 Posted 05/18/2016  03:14 am  Show Profile   Bookmark this reply Add alvaro77 to your friends list Get a Link to this Reply
Well, the other studies done by my classmates results were: beanie babies hobby is dead, hot wheels is not dead nor dumb. Stamp collecting is dead. And of course my study: coin collecting is dumb.
Edited by alvaro77
05/18/2016 03:21 am
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jdmern's Avatar
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 Posted 05/18/2016  07:08 am  Show Profile   Bookmark this reply Add jdmern to your friends list Get a Link to this Reply

I determined based on your replies that coin collecting is not dead cause of the amount of replies but it's definitely dumb cause most of you guys sided with the coin dealers point of view and bully me the supposed Collector. You guys say that you are aware that what your buying is worthless for resale and are ok with been taking advantage by coin dealers. The last couple weeks I post some topics as if I was a disrupt collector to prove my point

Personally, I am not a fan of making up creating stories to prove a point and bash an industry and a hobby.

There are innumerable dealers who work very hard to make a living, and to have their industry bashed by someone to prove a point for some 'project' (whatever that means) and by a poster who freely admits to making up incendiary stories is flat out wrong.

There are numerous collectors who spend many hours studying their hobby, and learning so much about about it, and to then have their passion bashed again as 'dumb' for a 'project' is again wrong.

I will hold my tongue on anything else I would like to say, other than I certainly do not feel that the forum should be a place for experiments and made up stories...
Edited by jdmern
05/18/2016 07:12 am
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srs77's Avatar
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 Posted 05/18/2016  07:45 am  Show Profile   Bookmark this reply Add srs77 to your friends list Get a Link to this Reply
or individuals who admittedly make up incendiary stories...
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Pacificoin's Avatar
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 Posted 05/18/2016  08:16 am  Show Profile   Check Pacificoin's eBay Listings Bookmark this reply Add Pacificoin to your friends list Get a Link to this Reply
Personally based on your approach I would think an E minus is in order . Play elsewhere please. I am in total agreement with jdmern on this one.
I will leave you with this , you may think "coin collecting Is DUMB "............ Numismatics however is a lifetime study.
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 Posted 05/18/2016  08:34 am  Show Profile   Bookmark this reply Add Paola1 to your friends list Get a Link to this Reply
IMO there is no problem in participating in those studies "as long we knew about" , this is a serious community and people spend their time here trying and help others and I'm sure they will be glad in helping a study research about coins collecting if the true reason be told .
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eaglefoot's Avatar
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 Posted 05/18/2016  08:40 am  Show Profile   Bookmark this reply Add eaglefoot to your friends list Get a Link to this Reply
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BStrauss3's Avatar
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 Posted 05/18/2016  08:51 am  Show Profile   Bookmark this reply Add BStrauss3 to your friends list Get a Link to this Reply
Either this was an very low quality assignment, or you completely missed the point, which was to demonstrate if you have learned the scientific method.

Dead and Dumb are both arbitrary and ill or un-defined terms. Asking a bunch of random, self-selected people for opinions and then trying to summarize them is silly. You might as well ask how high is up.

I hope your presentation was made using standard English spelling and standard English grammar. Yes that's not how people talk, but you will often find that the message is lost because people can't get past a poor presentation. Certainly people will understand studies vs. studys vs. study. But improper usage sub-consciously causes people to devalue the message (and the messenger).

To exercise the scientific method, you would needed to have defined the terms (your own definitions), setup a survey to measure that, executed the survey and then analyzed the results against the definition.

For example, the hypothesis is that a "dead" hobby is one that has only a small number (0.1% of the population) who currently participate, but past participation was more than 5x as large, i.e. 0.5% of the population.

[Note that this might not be a very good definition, but it would be the definition you used, defined a priori and that *is* the point of the scientific method: make a hypothesis and prove or disprove it]

You could determine past participation through researching historical references and current participation through a survey (getting past the self-selection bias is probably beyond a Jr. High School assignment).

coin collecting is not dead cause of the amount of replies
What is your basis for saying "the amount of replies" indicates it's not dead? 42,000 people were ever a member here out of a US population over 300M... that's a tiny percentage. And meaningless.

As for dumb, you confuse numismatics, collecting and investment. So your conclusion is suspect.

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ChildOfTheWheat's Avatar
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 Posted 05/18/2016  08:52 am  Show Profile   Bookmark this reply Add ChildOfTheWheat to your friends list Get a Link to this Reply

: beanie babies hobby is dead, hot wheels is not dead nor dumb. Stamp collecting is dead. And of course my study: coin collecting is dumb.

Coin Collecting? Dumb?! what?!

Okay, sorry... But really? Thats your conclusion?
Its dumb because dealers don't like to stock up on common proof sets?
Why is it dumb? This doesn't make sense to me.
Edited by ChildOfTheWheat
05/18/2016 08:52 am
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Bryan78's Avatar
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 Posted 05/18/2016  09:09 am  Show Profile   Bookmark this reply Add Bryan78 to your friends list Get a Link to this Reply

Thank you for participating on a school project I was assigned. My topic was coin collecting, if it's dead or dumb. The other studys my classmates got were stamp collecting, hot wheels, beanie babies etc. the point in this studies was to see the current state of this hobbys. I got lots of responses from you all. I determined based on your replies that coin collecting is not dead cause of the amount of replies but it's definitely dumb cause most of you guys sided with the coin dealers point of view and bully me the supposed Collector. You guys say that you are aware that what your buying is worthless for resale and are ok with been taking advantage by coin dealers. The last couple weeks I post some topics as if I was a disrupt collector to prove my point .I hope I get an A on my research.

Well then folks take a good hard look at your tax dollars at work with our public education system... However, I highly doubt you have any teachers that would condone your actions... Probably a good thing I am not your teacher or I would fail you for the reasons below...

Horrible English.
Horrible spelling.
No self-esteem.
Lack of maturity.

Seriously kid, you need to grow up and get a life...
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nss-52's Avatar
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 Posted 05/18/2016  09:16 am  Show Profile   Check nss-52's eBay Listings Bookmark this reply Add nss-52 to your friends list Get a Link to this Reply
"Is it dead or dumb?"

Your conclusion: Not dead, but is dumb.

It is dumb because:

1) responses "sided with coin dealers"
2) you got bullied
3) items added to a collection are "worthless for resale"
4) some collectors get taken advantage of by dealers

Sounds like a very scientific detailed study was done. You got only responses from coin collectors and not investors or dealers. You got a large enough sample to overcome statistical bias. You had clearly stated definitions of what you were testing. You drew logical conclusions.

I am sure your teacher is going to be very impressed.

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 Posted 05/18/2016  09:29 am  Show Profile   Bookmark this reply Add Oldephriam to your friends list Get a Link to this Reply
My fellow collectors,

What we have here is a young person that is just beginning on the pathway of learning. Alvaro77 was given an assignment which was carried out to the best of their limited ability (I'm sorry, I do not know if you are a young woman or a young man). According to the effort I think I would grade this at a B+ minimum. However, according to the method used I would grade this at a D if I was extremely generous.

I guess it all depends on what the origin of this assignment is. If this was given in a journalism class then you did very well, with just one really big mistake. If this was given in a social science class or another type of science research class then you have a lot to learn.

Let me explain a bit about the Scientific Mehod. To enter a study with a preconceived outcome is a BIG no-no. This will prejudice the research and invalidate the outcome. I have followed you throughout this "experiment" not knowing what was being done on your part, now that you have revealed the purpose (another BIG no-no) I can see the HUGE mistake that you have made. As far as I can tell when you received this assignment you decided that coin collecting was indeed dumb and you structured your research to prove your idea (this is called a false premise wether it is really false or not). This method has invalidated your entire project. If you were a professional and submitted this paper for peer review it would be rejected as pure trash. I do not intend to demean you, I am just pointing out that if you intend to pursue any type of science as a career then you MUST learn not to make a mistake like this or you will be a order taker at the local burger stand for the rest of your life. I do hope you have learned from this experience and that you will continue to pursue knowledge for a lifetime and remember that sometimes we learn more from our mistakes than from our success.

Two more things of note. I appreciate the thank you that you have sent to us, but NEVER reveal your study to your subjects this also inserts prejudice. And finally, if this was done as a journalism assignment then you are spot on and deserve an A!

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davec13's Avatar
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 Posted 05/18/2016  09:47 am  Show Profile   Bookmark this reply Add davec13 to your friends list Get a Link to this Reply
I went back and reread what you posted and I'm still trying to figure out where the "bullying" happened. People can disagree with you that isn't bullying.

The "participation prize" generation has the thinnest skin of any generation, and I truly feel sorry for them. When they get into the real world they are going to have a major melt down. The real world outside the safety of mommy and daddy is a cruel cruel place.
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ljenkins990's Avatar
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 Posted 05/18/2016  10:28 am  Show Profile   Bookmark this reply Add ljenkins990 to your friends list Get a Link to this Reply
I don't see where you were "bullied" on the threads you posted. Did some people disagree with you? Sure. Welcome to the Internet. You can go to any forum anywhere and post pretty much anything and you will get some disagreement. But that's a long way from bullying. Also, there were many people in these threads who agreed with and supported at least some of your statements, which doesn't sound like bullying to me. Actually the vast majority of the posters on this thread are polite and friendly, even when disagreeing. Some people like to use humor/sarcasm in their posts but that just makes things fun.

Now sometimes, when you post a thread with an incendiary title such as "is coin collecting dead or dumb", you will raise the ire of folks who have been involved with the hobby for decades. They might take exception to that and it might show in their replies. Again, that's not bullying, that is normal human response.

If you want to experience bullying, I suggest you go look on another forum (plenty to choose from), because you aren't going to find it here.
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