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TTerrier's Last 20 Posts

1923 Australia Half-Penny - Real?
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Old Post Posted 03/06/2022  7:01 pm
Thanks everyone for your help - I think it has enough chance of being real that I will send it to PCGS to get verified and slabbed. I will be sure to let you all know what they say.

Thanks again
Forum: Coins, Bank Notes, and Paper Money: Australia, New Zealand, & South Pacific (Oceania)
1923 Australia Half-Penny - Real?
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Old Post Posted 03/05/2022  12:48 pm
This coin was given to me about 45 years ago along with a some other old English pennies and various world coin pocket change by my Australian uncle. It has literally sat in a box being moved around for 45 years - we recently moved and I rediscovered it and the other coins.

I became an ancients/medieval collector during that time frame but I know nothing about modern coins. I did quickly look this one up and it appears to be a key date but also often faked.

I would appreciate comments on real/fake and if real what this might be worth? There is a scratch on the obverse which was probably due to my youthful playing around with the coins. It weighs 5.70 gm and is 25mm.


Forum: Coins, Bank Notes, and Paper Money: Australia, New Zealand, & South Pacific (Oceania)
Akce Of Selim II - Help With Mint
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Old Post Posted 10/28/2019  3:57 pm
Thanks @Kushanshah! I looked at this mint and have another coin from Serez where it looks to be spelled differently. On the coin above, would the transliteration be s-i-r-u-z? It looks to me like there is a ya (long i)after the s given the number of vertical lines. Diacritical marks would really help but the engravers seem to ignore them for the most part.
Forum: Ancient, Greek, Roman, and Medieval Coins

Akce Of Selim II - Help With Mint
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22 Posts
Old Post Posted 10/26/2019  7:18 pm
Hi everyone,

I am looking for help in figuring out the mint for this coin. If I can sort that out I will post a complete description of this coin in another post.

You can see quite clearly at bottom the numerals 974 which puts this in Selim II's reign.

I think the top line is 'azz nasrahu - may he be victorius. The next line is zuriba bi - struck in. Then I am stumped - it looks like the first letter of the mint name is "s" but I looking at the all of the "s" mints I can't see a match.

Any help appreciated!
Forum: Ancient, Greek, Roman, and Medieval Coins
Ottoman Akce Of Bayezid I
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Old Post Posted 07/07/2019  11:17 pm
Thanks Kushanshah - I do have one more question - now that you point out the middle line on the reverse is actually the word "sanat" I think I can see where you get an s, but I really struggle to see an n or a t.

When you look at this coin can you actually see "sanat" in the inscription or do you know it should be there and look for a legible part (in this case the "s") and have to assume that the rest of word is just poorly inscribed?
Forum: Ancient, Greek, Roman, and Medieval Coins
Ottoman Akce Of Bayezid I
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Old Post Posted 07/07/2019  7:22 pm
Here is the second attempt at deciphering a coin legend. This time I left out those nasty tuhgras - I don't think I can find a coin with less to figure out than this one.

Transliteration from one language to another will always be subject to differing points of view, especially where one language has sounds not easily expressible in the other.

Even for this simple coin I could quickly find three different versions of the sultan's transliterated name: Bayezid
David Collection Bayazid (a great website with lots of historical information and coins with legends written out!)
Stephen Album Bayezit

All three of these references have people who speak Arabic so I have no way to judge why they are different and which gives the most accurate pronunciation of the word. For my purposes I think I will use as it has by far the most reference coins to look at.

One interesting fact about Bayezid is that he was captured by Timur (or Tamerlane as we know him in the west) in 1402 and held prisoner until he died in 1403.

Forum: Ancient, Greek, Roman, and Medieval Coins
Ottoman Akce Of Murad II
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Old Post Posted 07/07/2019  3:30 pm
Thanks @Kushanshah - I've bookmarked the tughra website for further study. I'll make sure the next one I post avoids that sort of complication!
Forum: Ancient, Greek, Roman, and Medieval Coins
Ottoman Akce Of Murad II
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Old Post Posted 07/05/2019  5:54 pm
I have a number of coins of the Islamic dynasties (probably > 100) and have always relied on the attributions of the sellers. I have a number of reference books, including the excellent one by Richard Plant, which I have used to check these attributions and get some idea of what the legends on the coin say. Since I don't speak or read/write Arabic I found myself looking at the shapes of the inscriptions and trying to match them up instead of actually trying to read them. I think that works for a while on nicely preserved coins like Umayyad dirhams but once you get into copper and bronze or more poorly made silver it gets a lot harder.

I decided to try and actually learn how to read these inscriptions and to trace the words on each coin as practice. I can tell you that right from the beginning it is not easy (at least for me). There is a lot of variation in letter forms and letter/word placement on the coins. Since Arabic is a consonantal language short vowels must be indicated by diacritical marks, which are typically left out of inscriptions.

I decided to start with the coin below as the inscriptions are not too long, although there is a tughra in it (like a monogram) which is causing me some uncertainty.

Have a look - any corrections or comments are most welcome!

I believe the translation is:

825 AH

Murad son of Mehmed Celebi

I'm not a 100% sure on the obverse - something I discovered on this coin is that without diacritical marks Mehmed looks the same as Muhammad. I saw some other coins during my search that referred to Murad's father as Muhammad Khan?


May God preserve his rule

Struck [in] Serez

I notice the images are a bit large in this post - I will reduce the size as I start posting other coins.

See Zeno #9578 for comparison and Album 1302.2
Forum: Ancient, Greek, Roman, and Medieval Coins
Looking For ID Help With A Tiny Silvered Bronze
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Old Post Posted 04/04/2019  10:07 am
I think this is a coin of Ludwig I. The obverse has a Saracen head looking left and the reverse a cross. These are normally silver so I'm guessing this an irregular issue.
Forum: Ancient, Greek, Roman, and Medieval Coins
Umayyad Ae Fals ID Help
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Old Post Posted 03/19/2019  11:01 am
Thanks guys I will try to get some better pictures of the obverse. The surface is covered with tiny pits which makes it appear a uniform color. Side lighting didn't seem to help much but I will try again tonight.
Forum: Ancient, Greek, Roman, and Medieval Coins
Umayyad Ae Fals ID Help
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Old Post Posted 03/17/2019  8:05 pm
I think this is a small (12mm 1.99g) Umayyad fals but the inscriptions seem a bit unusual.

The first image seems to have the "standard" reverse inscription for the plain Umayyad coins "Muhammad rasul Allah". The other side normally would have some excerpt from the Kalima along the lines of "There is no God but Allah ..."

The coin is in rough condition making this side hard to read but it doesn't look like the standard obverse. The bottom line seems to be Damascus? I can't decipher the top two lines.

Amy help is much appreciated!
Forum: Ancient, Greek, Roman, and Medieval Coins
Another Dirham Of Kaykhusru III
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Old Post Posted 12/30/2018  11:38 pm
Thanks again Kushanshah! I think Stephen Album agrees with you - he mentions in his checklist that the calligraphy gets progressively worse the further we get into the Seljuk dynasty.
Forum: Ancient, Greek, Roman, and Medieval Coins
Another Dirham Of Kaykhusru III
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Old Post Posted 12/30/2018  12:20 am
The help I received on the last coin was invaluable and I'm hoping for assistance on this one as well. This coin is a different style with a central cartouche on the side of the coin with the mint and date. I believe the centre says "al-mulk lillah" or "sovereignty belongs to God". The translations of these into English really seem to vary a lot between reference books.

The mint and date information is in the margin - I think it reads zuriba bi-madinat [mint] fi sana [date]. The only mint name I can think that might fit these letter forms is Konya but that is a guess. Comparing this coin to one in Zeno:

This suggests the date is AH 670 but I am just comparing the images here as I cannot read that from the coin unless the last few letter forms are the diwani letter for 70 and then a really sloppy sitt mi'at.

It seems odd to me that the other parts of the coin have really nice calligraphy but the mint and date in the margin seems much sloppier.

I asked for help on this same coin on Forvm but unfortunately no responses.

Thanks for your help!
Forum: Ancient, Greek, Roman, and Medieval Coins

Seljuk Dirham - Three Brothers
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Old Post Posted 12/17/2018  1:27 pm
Thanks Kushanshah! I didn't think this was a three brothers but couldn't figure out what it actually was.
Forum: Ancient, Greek, Roman, and Medieval Coins
Seljuk Dirham - Three Brothers
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Old Post Posted 12/16/2018  11:48 pm
Hi everyone,

I haven't posted in this forum for a long time but am still a regular reader. During that time I became more interested in Islamic coins - the only problem being I don't speak or read Arabic. I have a number of the standard reference books (including Plant) but the variations in letter forms can be really hard to figure out.

I have what was described as a Three Brothers Seljuk dirham, although the date and mint was not noted by the auction house. This one seems unusual to me as the symbols and decorative elements usually found at the top of these are missing, and instead seem to be replaced by date and mint information.

I think the first word on the obverse (the right image) might be sanat followed by decade and year in diwani with sitt at the very bottom of the coin. The first two lines of the central inscription are in the standard form but I cannot understand the name of the caliph in the third line.

The top of the reverse has zuriba as the first word and then presumably the mint but I'm stuck on that as well.

I tried surfing through Zeno to see if I could find a match but no luck. Any help with figuring out the inscriptions is much appreciated!

Forum: Ancient, Greek, Roman, and Medieval Coins
Odd Looking Khusro II Sasanian
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Old Post Posted 09/17/2015  2:27 pm
Thanks for your comments - the sharp edges in the border design are still a puzzle to me. Having done a fair bit of metal work (although not engraving) I would have thought that you would make a dotted border either with a punch (easy but results in some metal deformation around the punchmark) or with a drill (avoids surface deformation - easy for us with modern tools not so easy for old Khusro). In any event it is a nice looking coin!
Forum: Ancient, Greek, Roman, and Medieval Coins
Odd Looking Khusro II Sasanian
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22 Posts
Old Post Posted 09/17/2015  1:33 pm
Hi everyone,

In my E-Bay surfing I came across this:

I hope I'm not breaking protocol by pasting a link but I couldn't figure out how to copy just the image with enough resolution so you could see it properly. This coin looks odd to me for a couple of reasons:

1. If you look at 11 o'clock there are a number of very sharply defined ridges which are supposed to represent the dotted border. These look odd like they were done with a graver or even some sort of CNC process where you can see the steps. I wouldn't expect ridges this sharp on a coin this old.
2. If you look just above his forehead into the first layer of crown you can see three parallel lines - if I only saw one I would think the coin had been struck twice and the die moved slightly. If these lines are caused by multiple strikes then that seems inconsistent with the very sharp edges noted above in 1. Maybe they are part of the design? Or result from some sort of compression of the metal (like a wrinkle on cloth)from one strike?

I am not trying to discredit this seller and I am not bidding on this item. I am just curious as to whether these features are normal ones resulting from the production process or whether it indicates something else .

Thanks for your comments!
Forum: Ancient, Greek, Roman, and Medieval Coins
2 Unknown Late Roman Coins Same Emperor?
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Old Post Posted 08/07/2015  2:18 pm
I think the second one might be Constans DNCONST ANSPFAVG with VOT/XX/MVLT/XXX on the reverse. With a little bit of clean up the legends should be more visible. I also like the early Julian coins and slicked back hair style - kind of a "greaser" look!
Forum: Ancient, Greek, Roman, and Medieval Coins
Art Coins Roma Aka Acr Auctions
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Old Post Posted 08/03/2015  9:51 pm
Good news! ACR replied to my query and shipped about a week ago (with a tracking number). The bad news is my friends at Canada Customs are now doing their usual 2 - 3 week check to make sure the coins are really just coins - oh well I can live with that.
Forum: Ancient, Greek, Roman, and Medieval Coins
Art Coins Roma Aka Acr Auctions
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Old Post Posted 08/02/2015  10:27 pm
Thanks for the help everyone - I can now see the website again which is good news. I don't normally get fussed about delays as I am used to them with Canada Customs (up to a month in some cases). What bothers me with this one is I sent the payment immediately by Paypal so I know they have the money, but then there is no communication back. I won some coins in a Gitbud & Nauman auction the previous month and those arrived from Germany at my door in 6 days so I know this can be done. I will keep you posted on how long this process takes.
Forum: Ancient, Greek, Roman, and Medieval Coins

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