For me to move on, I need to understand and reconcile with my past... :)
I'm presenting a couple of Spanish Colonial 8R Portraits/Bust which I felt is on the borderline / questionable authenticity.
1. Mo 1788 FM (KM#106.1) Armored bust of Carlos III
Diameter : 39.17mm side-to-side / 38.87 top-bottom
Weight is a bit below the normal at 26.5gms.
Obverse : The date has a lump on one of the '8'. Some fine lumps near the 'III'. Lots of circulation damage.
Reverse : is a bit better looking than what is showing and highlight, but still does look has those spots.
Edge : I found no overlap, though it exhibits a lot of circulation damage.
I'll let the picture do the talking.
Click here for hi-res photo of ObverseClick here for hi-res photo of Reverse2. Mo 1806 TH (KM#110) Armored bust of Ferdinand VII (transitional)Diameter : 39.63mm side-to-side / 39.65mm top-bottom
Weight : 26.94gms.
This coin is darkly reddish in tone. There are some smudges that is quite evident in the hi-resolution photo.
Obverse : Details are clear including what looks like smudges
Reverse : Is the die not meticulously polished during this transitional period? Lumps on the left pillar and on the assayer is evident. Is it delamination on 'P' of HISPAN?
Edge : Overlap of the edge design 'o[]o[]o' is quite evident
Click here for hi-res photo of ObverseClick here for hi-res photo of ReverseClick here for his-res photo of the edgesWith the help of this forum, I beginning to learn a lot. For the past two months, I'm trying to segregate which coin goes forward to my main collection, and which one would go into the counterfeit bin or secondary closet.
Please share your opinions / knowledge.