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Commems Collection Classic: 1960 Pony Express Centennial

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 Posted 05/07/2023  06:54 am Show Profile   Bookmark this topic Add commems to your friends list Get a Link to this Message Number of Subscribers
One of the more popular commemorative medal programs authorized by the US Congress was the 1960-61 program that commemorated the 100th anniversary of the launch and termination of the Pony Express. The program came at a time when bills were still being introduced for commemorative half dollars - though they were no longer finding success.

The first bill calling for the Pony Express medal program was introduced in the Senate in July 1959; it was introduced by Wallace Foster Bennett (R-UT) and 11 co-sponsors (a 12th sponsor was added later). The bill called for "the striking of medals in commemoration of the one hundredth anniversary of the founding of the Pony Express."

Multiple companion bills were introduced in the House between July 1959 and January 1960 - four bills in total. William Raleigh Hull, Jr. (D-MO) introduced the first House bill in July 1959 (a day after the Senate bill). The companion bills that followed were introduced by John Emerson Moss (D-CA) in August 1959, Donald Francis McGinley (D-NE) in January 1960 and Henry Aldous Dixon (R-UT) also in January 1960.

The bills sought the striking of up to 500,000 medals for the Pony Express Centennial Association. The medals were to be in "commemoration of the one hundredth anniversary of the founding of the Pony Express, which was founded and operated by the Russell, Majors, and Waddell Company between Saint Joseph, Missouri, and Sacramento, California, in the years 1860-1861." The bills allowed for medals to be struck in multiple metals (i.e., gold, silver, bronze) and sizes. The minimum order size was 2,000 medals; they had to be paid for prior to delivery and could be ordered only until December 31, 1961.

Each of the bills was referred to the Committee on Banking and Currency of its respective chamber; the Senate Committee reported its bill in August 1959. The Committee reported the bill without amendment and recommended that it pass.

When the Senate bill was taken up for consideration on the floor, it was passed without objection. It was then sent to the House for its consideration. Received in the House, it was referred to the House Committee on Banking and Currency. As with its Senate counterpart, the House Committee reported the bill favorably with a recommendation to pass.

As he had done when the Kansas Statehood medal bill came up for consideration previously, John Vliet Lindsay (R-NY) reserved the right to object to the Pony Express bill while he sought an assurance that the bill, as written, did not force the Secretary of the Treasury to have the medals struck by the US mint (i.e., a private company could be contracted with if desired). Once such an assurance was given, the Senate bill was passed without objection in lieu of any pending House bills. (I would suggest that Lindsay was acting to protect the interests of the Medallic Art Company, a private mint and producer of medals/medallions in New York City.)

The bill was then examined and signed in each chamber and presented to the President. The bill was signed into law (Public Law 86-394) by President Dwight David Eisenhower on March 18, 1960.

Medals were struck by the US Mint in 1960 to commemorate the centennial of the 1860 launch of the Pony Express, and again in 1961 to mark the 100th anniversary of its termination in 1861. Each of the medal designs was struck in silver and bronze in two sizes.

The obverse of the coin-sized launch medal presents coinjoined, three-quarter, right-facing portraits of the Pony Express founders: William H. Russell, Alexander Majors and William B. Waddell. The medal's reverse is an adaptation of the painting by Henry W. Hansen's that depicts a Pony Express rider being chased by Native Americans.

1960 Pony Express Centennial - Launch

(Image Credit: PCGS CoinFatcs, Fair use, education.)

The obverse of the Termination medal depicts a dismounted Pony Express rider looking back at a segment of the newly-completed, nationwide telegraph line that put the Pony Express out of business; in the far background is seen a mountain range. Underneath the scene is a quote from Abraham Lincoln, "AN IMMORTAL SERVICE TO THE UNION." On the reverse is presented (left foreground) a telegraph key, with a horse to the right. In the background is a segment of the telegraph wire and mountains.

1961 Pony Express Centennial - Termination

(Image Credit: PCGS CoinFatcs, Fair use, education.)

The small, coin-size medals were joined by several large, higher-relief silver and bronze medals. In a follow-up post, I'll discuss these larger medals.

Though I have not located records of any such discussion, it would not surprise me to learn that the Pony Express Centennial Association at least explored the possibility of a commemorative coin before its medal bill was introduced.

For a philatelic look at the Pony Express Centennial, check out this thread I posted a few years ago over on the Stamp Forum: 1960 Pony Express Centennial Covers And More.

For other of my posts about commemorative coins and medals, see: Commems Collection.

Collecting history one coin or medal at a time! (c) commems. All rights reserved.
CCF Master Historian of USA Commemoratives
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 Posted 05/07/2023  06:58 am  Show Profile   Bookmark this reply Add commems to your friends list Get a Link to this Reply
Here's a brief historical backgrounder on the Pony Express service presented by William Henry Avery (R-KS) as part of the House's consideration of the Senate bill that authorized the Pony Express Centennial medal program. I think it captures the "flavor" of the Pony Express adventure well.

"Mr. Speaker, as you know, this year marks the 100th anniversary of the Pony Express. I am proud to state that the portion of the Pony Express which goes through the State of Kansas is located entirely within my congressional district.

"This year's centennial celebrations of the famous Pony Express will be largely a tribute to American youth.

"Most of the daring riders of the famous mail-carrying service which began April 3, 1860, between St. Joseph, Mo.,
and Sacramento, Calif., were very young men -- many of them in their teens.

"An advertisement of the times in San Francisco, seeking Pony Express riders, stated: "Wanted - Young, skinny, wiry fellows not over 18. Must be expert riders, willing to risk death daily. Orphans preferred. Wages $25 a week."

"Young men entering Pony Express service, operated by the famous transportation firm of Russell, Majors & Waddell, were given a Bible. These are very rare today.

"Riders were required also to take this oath upon entering service:

"I hereby swear, before the great and living God, that, during my engagement, and while I am an employee of Russell, Majors & Waddell, I wlll, under no circumstances, use profane language; that I will drink no intoxicating liquors; that I will not quarrel or fight with any other employee of the firm, and that in every respect I will conduct myself honestly, be faithful to my duties, and so direct all my acts as to win the confidence of my employers. So help me God.

"The youthful Pony Express riders consistently outran Indian pursuers while carrying the mails through the wilderness, often through blinding snows and howling storms, and in extremes of heat and cold. Only one Pony Express rider was lost to the Indians.

"Johnnie Fry - or "Frey" according to some writers - is credited by some accounts with being the first Pony Express rider to leave St. Joseph on April 3, 1860. He was little more than a boy when he entered the Express service. He was a native Missourian, weighing less than 125 pounds. An early account states:

"Though small in stature, he was every inch a man. His run was from St. Joseph to Seneca, Kans., about 80 miles, which he covered in an average of 12-1/2 miles an hour, including all stops.

"He later entered the Union Army, and was killed in 1863 in a hand-to-hand fight in which he was credited with killing five assailants before he was killed himself.

"William ''Bill" James, a native Virginian, was credited at 18 with being one of the best of the Pony Express riders over a route in Nevada through some of the most savage Indian country.

"According to Alexander Majors of the Russell, Majors & Waddell firm, in a book published in 1893 - "Seventy Years on the Frontier" - William F. "Bill" Cody was a Pony Express rider, in his early teens, when he entered the famous mail service. Cody is credited with many notable feats, including a ride aggregating 384 miles without any real rest period, which is referred to by some authorities as probably the longest continuous performance of its kind not only in the annals of the Pony Express but in any other courier service in history.

"None of the Pony Express young men had an opportunity to grow old in the service. In October 1961 the cross-country telegraph was completed and the Pony Express terminated. Despite its short life, it was credited with many important contributions, including the fact that it helped to keep East and West joined during the early crucial days of the Civil War.

"Although the Pony Express was short-lived, it will be very much alive this year.

"Many pageants, celebrations, and other activities memorializing the Pony Express are planned for this 1960 centennial year.

"As part of the centennial year celebrations, the Post Office Department will issue a new Pony Express commemorative postage stamp next July 19 at Sacramento, together with a new commemorative stamped envelope to be issued at St. Joseph.

"On the same date, as one of the major memorial events scheduled during the vacation season this year, the National Pony express Centennial Association plans to reenact the Pony Express runs, starting out -- just as the Pony Express did approximately 100 years ago -- from both St. Joseph and Sacramento.

"The reenactments are expected to require about 9 days each for both the eastward and westward runs. The original Pony Express runs, across the 1,966-mile original route, required an average of about 10 days, although it frequently took less time. Lincoln's inaugural address in 1861, for example, was carried by the Pony Express in less than 8 days.

"The eight States through which the Pony Express ran are Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska, Colorado, Wyoming, Utah. Nevada, and California."

Collecting history one coin or medal at a time! (c) commems. All rights reserved.
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 Posted 05/07/2023  08:32 am  Show Profile   Bookmark this reply Add Coinfrog to your friends list Get a Link to this Reply
Good read, thanks!
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 Posted 05/07/2023  11:19 am  Show Profile   Bookmark this reply Add nickelsearcher to your friends list Get a Link to this Reply
Fascinating read @commems. I am familiar with the 'Launch' medal, but not the 'Termination' variety. That medal definitely has a melancholy feel to the composition. Sort of 'end of the ride'

I'll seek one out at an upcoming show.

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