I was looking through a wheat penny box I found and I found this weird looking 1952 wheat penny (under the 5) and wanted some thoughts on if it's pmd or a error or what (sorry if I get some things wrong I'm not really a experienced collector), as I try to collect error coins and world coins (also sorry for the terrible photo quality I Couldent find a good spot to take the pic)
Wow, been a while since I used this site but I got remembered my pas! Anyways I might have posted about this before but I don't remember and don't remember how to check, but I was wondering about what a grade for this coin might be, and about its history and maybe it's value, thanks!
https://www.ebay.com/itm/254183095981 idk if these would be good coins but the picture and name just made me chuckle a little because according to the title it only costs 1 money and his other sales are just the same pic
I'm VERY SORRY!!! I know the pic is very very low quality but I just could not find my iPad so I'm really sorry and I couldn't even get a pic of the back ill post better pics when I find my iPad