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Viper1357's Last 20 Posts

Frog's 60k Post Contest
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United States
17 Posts
Old Post Posted 08/28/2021  10:05 am
Well I'm still short of 60 posts so I'll just say congrats to your 60k!
Forum: Contest, Quiz, and Giveaway (ENDED)
Need Help Identifying Medals/Medallions With Buildings And Roman Numerals
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United States
17 Posts
Old Post Posted 08/27/2021  10:05 pm

Spence- @viper, thx again for posting these. I've spent a bit of time and have come up empty, but sometimes it is the journey that is most enjoyable. Here are a few random hunches and thoughts.

1. These were part of a set, at least 7 pieces long and perhaps more.
2. They seem to commemorate different parts of a small city, with locations such as schools, churches, homestead on a river, and municipal buildings represented.
3. Perhaps these were part of a sesquicentennial (150th) celebration for a town. That timeframe seems to fit in well with the timing of the founding of M/SP.
4. It's a little odd that someone would have some parts of the set missing and then other parts with multiples. Maybe these were given away in a variety of stores over a period of time?

One note: I was hoping that the scoreboard on the football field might have the initials for the school, but I don't see any text when I blow up your pic of that token. Can you please confirm that there are no identifying letters?

Again, sorry to not be particularly helpful on this one.

Omg, no, thank you (all) for the time and effort. I didn't have any expectations so nothing but a little fun puzzle to try and figure out if even possible.
Very good detective clues you've shared, and I appreciate those ideas as well. I can't for the life of me figure what buildings or places, but yeah, you're ideas seem very viable.

I just looked at each of them with a lighted 20x loupe and cannot find any numbers, letters, or any other details than just what's visible straight up looking at them, so no help there either.

I did notice gummy sticky residue on the backs of half of them from like double sided tape or pads, as if some were mounted on something? I dunno.

No concerns on actually knowing, but if some of you (me included lol) keep them in mind if you ever see something similar down the road, we can revisit. I'll stick them in some container for later rediscovery!
Forum: Tokens, Medals, Challenge Coins, and other Exonumia
Need Help Identifying Medals/Medallions With Buildings And Roman Numerals
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United States
17 Posts
Old Post Posted 08/27/2021  9:53 pm

jbuck - Impressive lot!

I'll have to post a separate thread on that large Charles Russell silver medallion. I played a (researched hunch) and got really lucky..
Forum: Tokens, Medals, Challenge Coins, and other Exonumia

Post A Picture Of A Coin Depicting A Dragon!
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United States
17 Posts
Old Post Posted 08/27/2021  4:15 pm
Here's a 1 oz. silver coin, Aztec World of Dragons I have in my collection.

Other side...
Forum: "Post Your..." Gallery Topics
Need Help Identifying Medals/Medallions With Buildings And Roman Numerals
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United States
17 Posts
Old Post Posted 08/27/2021  3:23 pm
Yep, and I was after the other two items actually... The auction pics were lacking detail as was the descriptions so I got lucky 'the lot' drew little interest $ wise overall.

Forum: Tokens, Medals, Challenge Coins, and other Exonumia
Need Help Identifying Medals/Medallions With Buildings And Roman Numerals
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United States
17 Posts
Old Post Posted 08/27/2021  2:38 pm

Sap- The football field in medal V is an American football field, judging by the shape of the goalposts. SO that one, at last, is somewhere in America. Or maybe Canada.

Sorry, but that's all I can offer.

Every little bit helps, and may start a dialog? Thanks!

jbuck- Very interesting and they look rather nice.

I know right? I wasn't after them in 'the lot' I won, but I'm actually glad I got them. Can't wait to find out what the heck they represent...
Forum: Tokens, Medals, Challenge Coins, and other Exonumia
Need Help Identifying Medals/Medallions With Buildings And Roman Numerals
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United States
17 Posts
Old Post Posted 08/27/2021  2:33 pm

Spence- @viper, can you please share which US state the estate sale was in? I'm hoping that might help us narrow things down a bit. Thx.

Yes, it was MN, Twin Cities northern suburb. Based on the other items in the sale, the previous owner was probably military, (lots of uniforms and medals, tokens etc., also seemed to have worked and retired from the railroad, and may have had ties with US forest service. Again, due to many items listed that would typically be privy to working or associated people. Not typical collector stuff but more like earned or given.

Lastly he had other larger artistic medallions of silver and bronze as well. I also got a large silver Charles Russell silver sculpture medallion as well, but that's for another
Forum: Tokens, Medals, Challenge Coins, and other Exonumia
Need Help Identifying Medals/Medallions With Buildings And Roman Numerals
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United States
17 Posts
Old Post Posted 08/27/2021  2:25 pm

Anything on the edges?

Smooth flat edges...

Forum: Tokens, Medals, Challenge Coins, and other Exonumia
Need Help Identifying Medals/Medallions With Buildings And Roman Numerals
New Member
United States
17 Posts
Old Post Posted 08/26/2021  11:31 pm
I recently picked these up in an estate auction in a 'lot' with other items I knew about and wanted.

They appear to be brass and are nearly exactly sized like a Ike dollar coin for reference. Back sides are smooth with nothing on them. I've tried looking, researching, etc., but I don't what buildings or landmarks they are and/or the significance of the roman numerals?

Anyone recognize or know what these might be?

Forum: Tokens, Medals, Challenge Coins, and other Exonumia
Seems To Be A Few Of These Chinese Fat Man (Fake?) Dollar Coins Around .
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United States
17 Posts
Old Post Posted 08/26/2021  10:55 pm

Numister- My opinion is that for every real Fat Man Dollar that exist there are at least 20 fakes.

After looking a little more into it, I'd believe that's about right.
Forum: World Coins and Commemoratives
Seems To Be A Few Of These Chinese Fat Man (Fake?) Dollar Coins Around .
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United States
17 Posts
Old Post Posted 08/26/2021  10:51 pm

Sap- I have found, for many of the lower-quality Chinese fakes, that "photos don't lie". They may look silvery in hand, but try to take a picture, and the yellow brassiness shows through.

Your health and welfare is not a high priority for the people who make and sell these things. I don't know what the "silvering" is made of, but it's not actual silver, and could well be something toxic like mercury.

Thanks for the heads up on that. I know they can use substandard materials but never thought about overly unsafe ones. I will say though I store all in those newer poly flip holders and only look handle them once in a blue moon or so, like today was the first time in a year (since I got it). Also, I get that weird metal smell on my fingers after any coin touching, so I wash my hands always after touching any coins, etc. But still good to know so I'll be extra aware now.
Forum: World Coins and Commemoratives
Seems To Be A Few Of These Chinese Fat Man (Fake?) Dollar Coins Around .
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United States
17 Posts
Old Post Posted 08/26/2021  10:44 pm

JimmyD What is the weight? It should be 26.4g
If you read the other postings, then you probably noted that with the Fat Man coins, assume they are are counterfeit until proven genuine.

Just weighed it and it is 18.44g, and yeah I totally believe it's fake but I just like odd (typically affordable) things like this, medallions, tokens, and fakes/reproductions of many kinds.
Forum: World Coins and Commemoratives
Ebay - Sellers Can Bid Their Own Coins?
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United States
17 Posts
Old Post Posted 08/26/2021  4:17 pm
ijn1944 is right on the money. It's called shill bidding and is expressly forbidden under ebay's seller and buyer policies and guidelines. They have systems in place that looks for just such activity all the time.
Forum: US Modern Coins

Seems To Be A Few Of These Chinese Fat Man (Fake?) Dollar Coins Around .
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United States
17 Posts
Old Post Posted 08/26/2021  3:54 pm
... and after seeing other threads here on the forum, I am sure mine is a replica or fake as well. Mine appears to be plated as the brass(?) is starting to show through in several wear spots. I collect odd things like this, and pestered a local dealer for it for many months last year and he finally said for 5 bucks it's yours. I may have paid more than it's worth, but you don't see them every day. Well until I joined this forum anyways.. lol

Forum: World Coins and Commemoratives
What Some People Do To Sell A Coin.
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United States
17 Posts
Old Post Posted 08/18/2021  11:10 am
Bidding ended and no sale of the coin. She may have to take a little more off. The price of the coin I mean.
Forum: US Modern Coins
Brown Ike's Gold Seal Vs Silver Seal
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United States
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Old Post Posted 08/18/2021  10:39 am
Possibly long term exposure to uv or fluorescent lighting have faded some of these decal/seals over the decades?
Forum: US Modern Coins
Post An Ike (Eisenhower Dollar)
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United States
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Old Post Posted 08/17/2021  08:35 am
Thanks jbuck I figured as much about leaving it be. I have others that have it as well. Also a few that are as clear as can be. This was just one I grabbed from the stack. Now I'm curious to take them out and look again. I should also look at the blue envelope uncirculated ones as well.
Forum: US Modern Coins
Post An Ike (Eisenhower Dollar)
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United States
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Old Post Posted 08/15/2021  01:39 am
Here's my 1972-S silver proof in the plastic holder. Seems to be turning milky or foggy. Camera isn't showing quite the way I see it through the plastic.

Forum: US Modern Coins
New Member Here From Mn.
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United States
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Old Post Posted 08/15/2021  12:30 am
Hello from MN.
I'm a long time collector of a little bit of everything coin related, but not a lot of knowledge about most of it. Looking to learn some new things about all types of coins, but mostly what I have or am interested in collecting more of.

I have a fair collection and slight knowledge of USA and foreign coins I've collected over the decades, but lately I've taken an interest in odd older type medallions, tokens, copies, etc.
Forum: New Members - Introduce Yourself Here

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