Do you have a favorite funny coin? One of my favorites is this 1980 Soviet Union 5 rouble coin, because of its overall strangeness and the unintentional slang word.
I'm trying to identify a gold 1715-MoJ 8 escudo Spanish colonial Mexico coin and can only find references to and photographs of a variety called "plain tresures". It seems that this is in reference to some sort of border around part of the design on one side or the other ..What are the alternatives to this variety, and how to distinguish them from that one?
Any clue on this one? Its "diameter" from one corner to the other is about that of a US quarter. I would assume the octagonal shape is not original and that the size has been reduced for some reason. A "16" (or perhaps "91") is clearly visible on one side and is part of the date, presumably. Adjacent to the "16" is a "fern leaf" or something. On the other side is a small shield-shape encircled by either other shields or perhaps "leaves".
It's a brownish color but I think there's a good chance that it's silver. My vague impression is that its from France or Italy or Germany or what-have-you. Thanks!
I did look there also, thanks, but didn't see it. Tried to look at photos of each variety other than ones where the description appeared to be obviously referring to something else.
There's a die crack (I think) running from the L in LIBERTY parallel to the rim down to the letters IN; it cuts across the very top of the I and the left leg of the N, then turns rightward and runs through the neck in two places but ends before reaching the T in TRVST. Another runs through the hair bun and the Y in LIBERTY, and on the reverse is a die crack running through the last five letters in AMERICA. I don't see this one anywhere in the VAM book! Thanks!