But I am still unsure. I am hoping to give it to my husband for his birthday as he was born in 1967 but I don't want to give them anything that is not a real error. Also I hope that I did enough research on my own before I posted here.
@Earle42 - That's a great idea! I recently had a stroke and lost my near eidetic memory. One of my exceptional autistic gifts. I can hardly, if at all, remember and retain new information. It's been gravely devastating. Anyway, I will try to remember what you have said, and remember that I have the screenshot(s) of your suggestions, and remember that I also have copied and pasted your text into my notes field, but I'm nearly confident that I will not remember any of these things. But I will TRY my best! Thank you.
@mycoinsyours - thank you for that suggestion! I've found something like that for my iPhone and I think it's going to work as it is under 300. Fingers crossed!