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Coincollector110's Last 20 Posts

What To Do With 40% Silver Half Dollars?
Pillar of the Community
United States
818 Posts
Old Post Posted 01/04/2025  4:06 pm
I've always wondered what collectors do with the 40% silver half dollars from 1965-1970. I'm starting to accumulate several of them, and aside from the silver content, I have no reason to keep them. I don't want to bring them to a bank or store since I'd only be getting face value for them. At the same time, they're tying up more money that could be used for other expenses. Does anyone have suggestions for parting with 40% silver half dollars that can bring fair market value to the collector?
Forum: Coin Roll Hunting
Coinstar Finds! (Including Bank Counters And Other Machines)
Pillar of the Community
United States
818 Posts
Old Post Posted 01/04/2025  4:02 pm
Coinstar has been a desert for me lately- I've found random coins under the machine but the reject bins have been completely dry for the past several months.
Forum: Coin Roll Hunting
What Counts For NIFC Half Dollars
Pillar of the Community
United States
818 Posts
Old Post Posted 10/19/2024  12:47 pm
I've heard half dollars made after 2001 were not produced for circulation, but from what I understand they aren't worth much unless it's a proof coin that was broken out of a set. I have to ask this, because in a recent box I ordered, I've been finding a LOT of 2023 half dollars from both mints. None of the rolls appear to be solid rolls of this date, but at least half of the coins have been 2023-D in some of them. Are these considered "not issued for circulation" or NIFC? Would that make them worth anything extra if they are?
Forum: Coin Roll Hunting

Have You Ever Found A Customer-Wrapped Roll That Contained Only Silver Coins?
Pillar of the Community
United States
818 Posts
Old Post Posted 10/02/2024  4:21 pm
One time I found 5 old style coin rolls of half dollars that contained nothing but Walking Liberty and Franklin coins, needless to say I felt like Charlie Bucket finding the golden ticket in that moment. I'm pretty sure it was similar to some of these other finds- elderly collector dies and their kids/grandkids don't appreciate the value of it and just cash it in for face value.
Forum: Coin Roll Hunting
Coin Roll Hunting Etiquette
Pillar of the Community
United States
818 Posts
Old Post Posted 10/02/2024  4:18 pm
I probably saw threads talking about this topic years back, but what is proper etiquette for ordering half dollar coins from a bank? I was told by the branch manager at one of my banks that I'm welcome to order half dollar coins from them if I want, just give them a week's notice in person or over the phone.

I'm pretty sure the other guy ordering half dollars from my branch isn't following those guidelines, because I was offered $90 in machine wrapped half dollars today and was told that they were part of a $500 order that the customer didn't take in full. Apparently that guy orders half dollars from time to time, looks through them for "interesting coins" and then dumps his rejects in the coin counter at that branch. I know very well that THAT move is a big no no. Same reason I'd never bring small head bills tellers saved for me back to the same branch because I "didn't need them in the end"- do people understand the phrase "don't bite the hand that feeds you?"

Anywho, I'm glad I went through that $90 because I found two silvers- a 1964-D and 1966! Now I just have to figure out what to do with the rest of the coins, was planning on unloading them at the grocery store since their self checkout machines accept half dollars!
Forum: Coin Roll Hunting
Coinstar Finds! (Including Bank Counters And Other Machines)
Pillar of the Community
United States
818 Posts
Old Post Posted 06/05/2024  7:12 pm
I have to remember to check under the machine more often, because today I saw nothing in the reject bin but while roaming around the store I went around a second time and saw something under the machine. Figured it was another random penny or dime that slipped through the cracks as I've found a few early clad dimes under there (close but no cigar) but this dime made that distinct ring only one type of metal makes, and it's a 1964-D that's pretty discolored but still better than nothing!
Forum: Coin Roll Hunting
Coinstar Finds! (Including Bank Counters And Other Machines)
Pillar of the Community
United States
818 Posts
Old Post Posted 05/11/2024  7:41 pm
Went back to that same Walmart in my previous post today. Only one coin in the reject bin, but it's a 1948-S dime! Made up for the pallet in my trailer that broke and had to be restacked!
Forum: Coin Roll Hunting
Coinstar Finds! (Including Bank Counters And Other Machines)
Pillar of the Community
United States
818 Posts
Old Post Posted 05/11/2024  08:24 am
Went to another Walmart for a delivery and did my usual ritual of running off to the bathroom so I have an excuse to check the coin Star machine. I saw someone left a plastic bag on the machine counter which is a good sign, as I've found a direct correlation between people who don't clean up their trash failing to clean up in other areas as well. Sure enough the reject bin is loaded as well. Ended up with 31 cents in modern change, some 10 cents coin from Ecuador, and a 1948-D dime! It's beat to heck but still a good find for my standards!
Forum: Coin Roll Hunting
Coinstar Finds! (Including Bank Counters And Other Machines)
Pillar of the Community
United States
818 Posts
Old Post Posted 05/07/2024  10:39 pm
Well, I guess griping about my lack of recent success paid off, because 2 of my 3 stops today yielded something. One just had a random 1 cent Euro coin while the other had about 30 cents in sticky modern change. Not my best finds but it broke the nothing burger streak I had going.
Forum: Coin Roll Hunting
Coinstar Finds! (Including Bank Counters And Other Machines)
Pillar of the Community
United States
818 Posts
Old Post Posted 05/05/2024  07:40 am
Ok, I'm wondering how many machines some of you are checking every day to get the finds you're posting about. I am on a 20 machine dry spell right now, and it's from a variety of Walmart stores as I've been making deliveries to them for work. I'm honestly wondering if I'm unknowingly competing with store employees that see something shiny and take matters into their own hands as they see everyone who dumps change into there.
Forum: Coin Roll Hunting
Coinstar Finds! (Including Bank Counters And Other Machines)
Pillar of the Community
United States
818 Posts
Old Post Posted 04/10/2024  7:44 pm
I just moved out of NJ and settled in the midwest and on my first day there, I was at a Walmart to get stuff for my apartment. I went to the coin Star as I always do not really expecting to find anything but there was a handful of change in there and I saw a quarter in the mix. I saw the color and heard the ring and knew right away it was a silver one, and sure enough, it's a 1964-D! Made me ignore the rest of the modern change like Charlie forgetting about the Wonka bar when he found the golden ticket! (I took it all but don't remember what the new stuff was)

I moved out of NJ for many reasons but finding a silver quarter wasn't something I expected to get as a perk of moving here!
Forum: Coin Roll Hunting
Dime Roll Searching
Pillar of the Community
United States
818 Posts
Old Post Posted 02/24/2024  10:28 am
My cousin and her husband let me go through a large 5 gallon jug that was full of change accumulated over the last 10 years, and I agreed to roll all the change with my "service fee" only being that I take all the old stuff for my collection. Better rate than what Coinstar would charge!

There was about $250 worth of dimes, so one full box. Ended up with 3 silvers, a 46S, 57D, and 62D.

I have to wonder what causes customer deposited rolls to have a higher probability of having interesting stuff. I know some of the armored car rolls have Coinstar deposits which reject silver, but the only valuables I reasonably could see in the customer rolls are the occasional deceased relative's collection that got deposited into the bank by the ignorant heirs of the collection that didn't know any better what it was worth. Do most people out there that roll their change not notice silver dimes when they show up? At least for me, I can usually spot one in a sea of clad immediately unless it's really tarnished or discolored.
Forum: Coin Roll Hunting
Antique (100+ Years Old) Coins From CRH
Pillar of the Community
United States
818 Posts
Old Post Posted 12/29/2023  9:56 pm
I was emptying coins out of my bag and found a really worn 1916 penny. It still looks better than some of the road rash coins I find in parking lots, as the wear looks like 107 years of normal circulation taking effect! I have no clue where I found it, since I've found small amounts of change in Coinstar machines that I haven't posted lately I'm guessing it was among some rejects that I missed the first time around.
Forum: Coin Roll Hunting

I'm Trying To Calm Down To Lower My Blood Pressure After My Latest Half Dollar Hunt.
Pillar of the Community
United States
818 Posts
Old Post Posted 12/29/2023  9:51 pm
That is an awesome score. I had only one score even close to what you got- earlier this year when I got $50 in silver half dollars in old looking coin rolls from the bank, all of which were Walkers and Benjamins. Definitely appreciate that score, as they do happen but are pretty much once in a lifetime!
Forum: Coin Roll Hunting
Coinstar Finds! (Including Bank Counters And Other Machines)
Pillar of the Community
United States
818 Posts
Old Post Posted 12/13/2023  4:27 pm
At a Shoprite grocery store, I saw a woman and her teenage son dumping change into the machine. As soon as I saw them walk to the customer service desk I ran out to see if there was any change left behind. There was some money in the reject bin and several coins stuck in the dumping slot, which I had to get out with a card in my wallet. I'm sure I looked a bit odd to people walking in, but I didn't care. I ended up with $1.43 in change, mostly in dimes. Nothing of interest in there besides some sticky substances on some of the coins, but my first substantial find in quite some time.
Forum: Coin Roll Hunting
Coinstar Finds! (Including Bank Counters And Other Machines)
Pillar of the Community
United States
818 Posts
Old Post Posted 02/26/2023  07:09 am
I used to post on this thread all the time, kind of fell off the radar a few years ago because my local grocery store replaced the Coinstar machine with a generic looking bank coin counter that as far as I know, only rejects foreign coins as I've yet to find a silver dime or quarter in that one. That being said, I have 2 significant scores to report recently, a 1960-D dime that I found under the machine at a Walmart in IL, and a Polish coin from 1933. Not sure what it is but it's between the size of a nickel and quarter and is probably silver based on the ring noise it makes when you drop it on a surface.

There's also the occasional pocket change that's under a dollar which I don't even bother reporting unless one of the coins is significant date wise, but I have found free money that way since I was last here.
Forum: Coin Roll Hunting
JFK Half Dollar Roll Hunters: Silver, Proofs And Other Finds
Pillar of the Community
United States
818 Posts
Old Post Posted 02/25/2023  2:08 pm
I've heard these types of stories happening on the forums, but I never in a million years dreamed that I'd be writing one myself one day.

I stopped at this bank to try and cash some savings bond checks I had, but was told I had to do it through this complicated process and can't do it at the bank. Before leaving I noticed one of the tellers had what looked like half dollars in the tray. I haven't spent half dollars in forever so I figured what the heck, I'll buy whatever they have there and spend them since they're probably modern Kennedy half dollars.

I asked how many half dollars were there, and all the tellers immediately lit up as though I offered them a free trip to Hawaii. I ended up doing several money swaps with different tellers, and in total I walked out with $121 total in half dollars from the different money trays, including $80 that was in a deposit bag. Of the $80, $60 of it was rolled, while the last 20 was loose in the bag.

I noticed that 5 of the 6 rolls were these old looking rolls that weren't produced anymore. I thought nothing of it, figured that some collector used them to bait other collectors when in reality there was nothing but rejects inside. They all said "MAB 2/20/75" so I thought that someone put a bunch of 1971-1974 half dollars in there.

I get to the car and look through all the loose halves, and I got 2 40%ers, a 65 and a 67. I opened the newer looking roll and found nothing of interest, but curiosity got the best of me and I peeked inside the older rolls. Every single one of them had a Walking Liberty or Franklin on the end. My heart started racing, and I thought "no way did I really just hit a solid silver stash?" I dumped one of the rolls out, and every single half dollar in there was undoubtedly a 90%er. Ever watched movie scenes where the character gets so excited, they can't even talk? That was me in real life. In total, I got $50 in 90%ers, all Walking Liberty or Franklin, plus an extra dollar of 40%ers. I don't think I'll ever order a box (never did to begin with, felt too much like a chore opening coin rolls only to dump at another bank) again, when getting random half dollars the tellers have can result in this!

Roll 1:
1941 x4 (P, D, Sx2), 1942 x3, 1944 x2, 1945, 1946 x2, 1954 x2, 1957-D, 1958-D, 1963 x4 (Px2, Dx2)

Roll 2:
Dateless WL, 1942 x2 (P, D), 1943 x5, 1944 x3 (P, D, S), 1945-D, 1954, 1957-D x2, 1961 x2 (P, D), 1962-D, 1963 x2 (P, D)

Roll 3:
1941-S, 1942 x6 (Px5, S), 1943, 1944, 1945-D x2, 1953-D, 1958-D, 1961 x2 (P, D), 1962 x2 (P, D), 1963 x3 (P, Dx2)

Roll 4: This roll was all Franklin halves
1951 x3, 1952 x13 (Px7, Dx6), 1953-D, 1954 x3 (P, Dx2)

Roll 5:
1941 x3 (P, Dx2), 1942 x2 (D, S), 1943 x4 (Px3, D), 1944 x3 (P x2, S), 1959-D, 1960, 1961, 1963 x5 (Px3, Dx2)

I think this was a deceased person's collection that got cashed in by their kids. Really sad how today's generation has no appreciation for US currency or old money, they all use credit cards or their phones to pay and don't even care about holding onto their inheritance. I am so thankful to have found all these at face value, I've never found a Franklin or Walking Liberty in circulation before and will definitely hang onto these for a long time. Being that I'm in my early 20s I'll keep the coin collecting hobby alive among Gen Z at least as long as I'm still kicking!
Forum: Coin Roll Hunting
Coinstar Finds! (Including Bank Counters And Other Machines)
Pillar of the Community
United States
818 Posts
Old Post Posted 12/11/2021  8:34 pm
My local grocery store replaced their Coinstar about a year and a half ago with a generic Cummins coin counter that looks like the kind you see in banks. The unfortunate part of this is, it does not appear to reject silver coins, because I have yet to find one in the reject bin. The good news is, it has a magnet under the slot you dump the coins into which attracts foreign coins, and even if nothing is in the reject bin, I usually find a foreign coin or two stuck to the magnet that most people don't bother to pry free.

Today was the first day in forever where I managed to find a significant pile of change in the reject bin, and if anything makes me feel like a kid on Christmas morning again, it's grabbing a bunch of change out of the reject bin. Since it's the Christmas season part of me wants to visit grocery stores that still have Coinstar machines since I've had the best finds around this time of the year. Especially the grocery stores that have their machines off the beaten path, that way they aren't as likely to be constantly picked clean by employees and other customers.

-56 cents in ordinary change
-West Windsor parking authority coin
-4 Indian coins that appear to total 6 rupees
-Australian 10 cent coin
-Colombian 200 pesos coin
-5 cent coin from the Phillipines
-Best of all, a 1939 penny!

I have no clue how many different people contributed those foreign coins, as several were stuck to the magnet and could've been there for multiple machine uses.
Forum: Coin Roll Hunting
Coinstar Finds! (Including Bank Counters And Other Machines)
Pillar of the Community
United States
818 Posts
Old Post Posted 08/25/2020  8:38 pm
Here's the load of foreign change I found last weekend at the grocery store coin counter: (they replaced the Coinstar machine with a bank style machine)

$3.45 in Euros
1939 wheat penny
20 pence plastic coin
55 cents in Canadian change
2 British pennies, plus a 20 pence coin
4 dollars in Hong Kong money
25 cents from Argentina
Garden State Parkway token
Forum: Coin Roll Hunting
Coin Roll Shortage? Trade In $5 In Coins, Get Free Drink.
Pillar of the Community
United States
818 Posts
Old Post Posted 08/03/2020  8:54 pm
I frequent Wawa stores as well, and I see these signs all the time. I could cash my coins in at the bank coin counter but I usually bring a few dollars of loose change into each Wawa I visit to circulate stamped bills at since the cashiers there always appreciate the money coming in.
Forum: Coin Roll Hunting

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