The new bills just started tinkling in to Woodstock, New Brunswick.
I work at a car wash so as you can imagine I handle a lot of actual money still.
FTWs tend to be the most prolific prefix, though I seen some FTYs and FTZs.
My credit union has not been able to get any new $10 bills but I found the source in my town. They are coming from the Toronto Dominion. I picked up 5Gs worth and plan on picking up another 5Gs Friday. No interesting serial numbers, all with the FTW prefix.
I first met Dave Hickey of Dave's coins at the Sussex Flea Market two years ago. I bought all the wooden nickels he had at his table. One of them was a plate coin from "Wooden Money of Atlantic Canada" The wood token had a print run of something like 50 and they were all numbered. The number on my wood and the book's matched.
I asked Dave where he got these nickels and he told me he bought them from an estate sale in Frederciton. He also said he would bring more woods to the Woodstock, N.B. show (my home town). He did and I again bought them all.
In this lot I found this...
The story behind this is Daryl Atchikson made around 100 of these wooden nickels to give out to members of the Atlantic Canadian Wooden Money Society. They were all struck in 1987. I also have the wood struck for Bruce Smith.
Lastly I met Dave again at the A.P.N.A. show in Truro last month. He sold me the rest of the nickels and through in the second edition of "Wooden Money of Atlantic Canada" Since I have two copies as it is I didn't even bother to open it until last night. In the book was this letter...
It is a letter made out to Joe from one of the book's authors, Glen Rogers. It reads in part...
Quote: December 4, 1989
Dear Joe..
Received your dues for 1990, plus order for 2nd edition-Wooden Money of Atlantic Canada, also order for A.P.W.M.A. P.E.I. 1989,Grand Manam Rotary 1989 and Hether &Steven Boss 1989, which I have included in package, plus newsletters #1-17 inclusive (?) also some wood you may not have.
I can supply most of the Grand Manana Rotary ones if you want them for your collection, they start in 1980, also most rotary pins, they are all -75c each
Must go for no, all the best and hope you have a happy holiday.
Can anyone tell me who this "Joe" was. I could not find an obituary online googling "Joe New Brunswick coin collector obituary".
*** Moved by Staff moved to a more appropriate forum. ***
I put the finishing touches on my display last night.
I just got off work an hour ago and will be departing from Woodstock N.B. in 5 hours to Truro N.S.
I am in my early 20s, fist length red beard and will be wearing a navy polo shirt with "Softsuds Carwash" over my left breast pocket. Feel free to introduce yourself.
A guy has a 68 star note listed for sale on eBay. He also has a second 68 star note listed on eBay. Thy are the exact same note. Same serial number, same certificate number, same scratches visible on the Mylar.
One is a "buy it know" and one is an auction.
I would like this note to for my set so I messaged him asking if he had two of the three star 68 notes on the registry and was using the same picture for both.
He told me he only had the one and was planning to end the buy it know option in a day.
I thought that was understandable but if someone does buy it what about the auction version with 15 bids on it? What would happen to them?
Does this seem a bit fishy to everyone or am I reading too much into it?
It is trying to copy a '67 dollar. From what I understand you can deface coins and currency as long as it is not to deceive. I could "Spock" a fiver and that is fine. However I could not try to put a zero behind the five and pass it off as a fifty.
I typed "Canada Funny Coin" into eBay and found this in Israel.
I was half thinking about sending you a message when I get it all done, chequer.
I actually tracked down VanWart's 6th great grandson in New Hampshire. He owns an antique store and is really into genealogy. I am sending him a cheque.
Hello everyone, welcome to our new sub-forum. As a huge cheque, stock and bond enthusiast I was happy to see this advancement in our community.
Since it appears that half of the topics started in this new sub-forum are from me I figured why not start another.
I do not have all my notes in front of me (I stopped at my aunt's after work due to the snow) and hunkered down for the night. However I think I have enough knowledge in my head to start a thread on the paper ephemera of the Maritime Bank of the Dominion of Canada.
I would like to use this thread as a way to post the progress I make on collecting said memorabilia. I would also like to encourage anyone with something to add to post along.
The bank had three branches. It was based out of Saint John, New Brunswick and had branches in Fredericton and Woodstock.
Most of my ephemera is Woodstock based, as that is where I live. Here are some cheques and post cards. I have about 20 pages of information on Gilbert William Van Wart, the branch's banker, and will get a little biography put together in the next few days. Most of the information has been gleaned from local newspapers and diaries found in the town's archive.
Maybe I should have waited a few days to write up some information to help contextualize all my "stuff" but I am just so giddie we have a cheque forum. More information is to come in the following days.
Canadian. I am a subject of the Queen, I posted this in the Canadian section. Sorry for the confusion but yes, I am looking for Canadian notes. Not even good ones, just a bunch of Canadian $2 notes.
Well, no, not really. I am sure I will pick up $2 bills in bulk buys, junk bins etc. over the next few months. I just thought it would be a neat gesture at work to show up with the bills by early next year, Jan or into Feb.
I work in a car wash. In an attempt to get more cars through the car wash on Tuesdays I thought of an idea. $2 Tuesdays. The idea would be once in a while on Tuesday I would hand out a $2 bill in change. Just a little novelty to draw people in.
I used to spend $2 bills for the fun of it, use them as tips. I could probably get 5-10 at face but my boss really liked the idea. He asked me if I could get 500 of them and hand them out to everyone on Tuesdays for a month.
My question is how could I go about getting 500 of them near cost? We all know by and large bird twos are worth 2 bucks. Everyone hoarded them. If I could spend even $1200 to get 500 I would be cool with it. Of course I would sooner spend $1100 or a grand. Heck, if I could get them for $950 I would be over the moon .
Should I just start calling up the bigger dealers? I imagine most dealers don't keep that many on hand because collectors don't want them unless they are high MS and non-collectors think they can retire with the old beatup one they have in their sock draw.
I can probably source 20 no problem from my coin club.
Any ideas? If this even sparks one of our customers to become a numismatist I would be frilled.
Tonight's episode, titled "Follow the Money" features a misprinted one dollar bill being spent around Quahog.
In the opening scene the rich grandfather character gave his lower middle class grandson a dollar for his birthday. I said to myself what if that turns out to be a solid serial number. I wasn't far off in my thinking.