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Schwanke's Last 20 Posts

Weird "Bronzed" Puerto Rico Quarter? Help Ident Please. :)
Valued Member
United States
242 Posts
Old Post Posted 02/09/2015  07:25 am
Hi! Been a long time since I posted. Got out of the swing of collecting for a while. Started up again by coin roll hunting and came across this in a customer wrapped roll of quarters.

Got any ideas?

In case the pictures arent that great it looks bronzed. Not even like it was printed on a copper blank but like someone took a normal one and bronze plated it? Any ideas? Why would someone do that? (Is it worth anything hehehehehe. :)

Forum: US Modern Variety and Error Coins
My First Decent 1943 Steel Cent
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United States
242 Posts
Old Post Posted 04/01/2013  8:37 pm
Thanks guys. Think I'm going to collect them tho maybe buy cheaper next time. After my fail with the "unsearched" wheats I'm surprised this batch had anything nice.
Forum: US Modern Coins
My First Decent 1943 Steel Cent
Valued Member
United States
242 Posts
Old Post Posted 04/01/2013  1:29 pm
Got this from a steel cent roll off eBay. Probably could have gotten it cheaper single but half the fun is the search.

Forum: US Modern Coins

Please Identify This "Damage" To A Wheat Penny.
Valued Member
United States
242 Posts
Old Post Posted 03/31/2013  05:41 am
Thanks for the input. They look kind cool in my opinion so I'll probably add a few nice ones to my damaged collection but obviously not to my 'official' collection hehe.

Again thanks!
Forum: US Modern Coins
Is This Natural Wheat Penny Toning?
Valued Member
United States
242 Posts
Old Post Posted 03/30/2013  3:09 pm
Ive found multiple wheat pennies with this dark red coloring. Far more with the usually dim brown. Is the dark red a toning of some kind?

On the Numismatic price guide it has listings for three types of each coin a a brown, a red brown and a a red. I assumed this wasnt the red brown because the description of the red is the original coloring and this looks more like toning then say the color of a AU 1958 or something. Atleast to me.


Forum: US Modern Coins
Please Identify This "Damage" To A Wheat Penny.
Valued Member
United States
242 Posts
Old Post Posted 03/30/2013  2:45 pm
Found this on several "Unsearched" wheat rolls from eBay. Didnt know about the 'scams'until later and couldnt prove that the listings actually were but this 'damage' was on many of the older coins. Is this some sort of 'dip' or 'cleaning' or something? Does not look natural to me.

In case the picture isn't good enough. It kind of looks like a bronze coating you see on movie props trying to fake gold/bronze.


Forum: US Modern Coins
Wide Range In Buffalo Nickel Prices On Ebay?
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United States
242 Posts
Old Post Posted 03/18/2013  09:19 am
Unless I've gone crazy again when I searched completed listings of buffalo nickels on eBay I saw numerous listings for less then 99cents. Some as low as a 11 many around 50s and 60s. As an example:

This one looks 'decent'. There are others. Though admittedly many of them are no dates there are many that have dates or atleast partial dates enough to know what year it is (first two digits might be worn).

Regardless I'll probably use 1 dollar as my standard so I get a nice selection of low grade coins as my first experience with the occasional lucky draw.
Forum: US Classic and Colonial Coins
Wide Range In Buffalo Nickel Prices On Ebay?
Valued Member
United States
242 Posts
Old Post Posted 03/17/2013  10:54 am
Ahh that makes sense. Hence why its good to read the feedback. I was digging through feedback on some of these "unsearched rolls of Indian Heads" and one guy for example had a bunch of feedback from multiple people where they claimed that the seller had taken a normal roll, rolled culls and then scuffed it for the picture to make it look old.

Obviosly a higher "risk premium" as you would have to fight with eBay to get your money back if you could even prove it was a violation of the listing.

Ebay is good on the whole 'keepin it real' side of listings being fake but I've never had to fight about something like gold being real or a coin being real or whatever. I've looked into some of these sellers that seem to list the same the listing 5 different ways but they are all pretty much the same listing for stuff like 'estate' sales of lots of coin and bullion and flake and what not and even then they have had feedbacks that have been like the clad was fake or the nugget wasnt really gold or whatever. don't know if those people ever filed a claim with eBay or not.

I do know that I noticed one of the 10gram clad bars I bought a couple years ago from this one seller back before I really had any idea of any value of the junk gold stuff had a serial number on it and I checked and its the same serial number as all of his photos of 'different' bars. So obviosly thats a gimic.

Yeah I can see how "risk premium" really turns into buyer beware. I could invest 100 dollars in seemingly worthwhile coins and turn around and 5 years try to sell them and they are worth pennies because they are fake.

Thanks for the input! I am keeping an eye out for unsearched rolls and gunna check feedback and the like and see how it goes.
Forum: US Classic and Colonial Coins
Wide Range In Buffalo Nickel Prices On Ebay?
Valued Member
United States
242 Posts
Old Post Posted 03/17/2013  09:19 am
Those numbers in the columns on your link basebal21 are dollars? I am assuming that because I couldnt see a 5cent coin from 1938 being worth 1cent lol. :D Wow then eBay really is flooded.

If eBay is so flooded why doesn't that page reflect that? Generally eBay drives market values because its so cash flow oriented. To me someone could just go and bid 50cents on the first 1000 listings and turn around and sell them for a dollar or more ea to someone.

Cant get my head around the discrepancy from eBay to the numis site. Though thanks for the site I'm book marking that.
Forum: US Classic and Colonial Coins
Wide Range In Buffalo Nickel Prices On Ebay?
Valued Member
United States
242 Posts
Old Post Posted 03/17/2013  02:59 am
OK. So I have like no clue about the value of things in coin land. I probably over pay for what I like all the time and don't even know it but I figure "Hey. I can afford it." and b "I feel fine about it." which is the two things that really matter to me.

Still I like to be prudent when getting into something where I really don't understand the economics so I don't totally waste all my money. More waste = less fun for nearly anyone.

When I started buying proof halfs, ikes, presidentials, saccas I noticed they were mostly going for about a dollar a half, 2 dollars a dollar, so I found a nice vendor that I trusted his grading on and bid on a bunch and came home with what I think is a nice new start to a new collection that might be worth more then I paid for it in a few years.

I am thinking about doing the same with buffalo nickels however I don't seem to be able to 'see' what affects the value on eBay.

I always price based on "price + shipping" because shipping is a cost and I think on average most people bid that way unless they are bulk buying from one person.

With that in mind, that 'price' for buffalo's on eBay seems to range from as low as 11 cents to over 1 dollar. Is there a 'steal' price where a a buffalo nickel is worth that no matter what and some of these people are getting away cheap because of low demand at the moment or is there really that big of a difference of value depending on different factors?

If its based on lots of factors would it be offensive to have a conversation on all of these factors (Or is there already a forum post on it and I missed it?)

The coin itself looks rather interesting and I think I could have fun developing a collection of them from various years and values. I also like to collect 'extras' and as I hone my collection give the 'extras' away as tips and toys for various people that might find them interesting.

I do know in small markets the peaks and valleys of supply and demand can make for some great investing by the common person. (I've seen this in certain toy market's where one toy sells for 40$s one time a year and 60$s other and if you know when to buy sell you can make some quick cash.) But I wouldn't think that buffalo nickles are that small a market?

Thanks for the help! Feels good to be back. :)
Forum: US Classic and Colonial Coins
Dime Roll Searching
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United States
242 Posts
Old Post Posted 11/16/2012  10:08 pm
Did 6 rolls today and yesterday. Nothing majorly interesting. A handful of older ones (I collect pre 1970 older and occasional 1976 or older if I think its special), a few really nice specimens I am holding onto for future collecting. Hey whats a dollar in nice dimes I don't have to find later ya know?

No silver no S and I actually looked this time for the S lol. One or two neat damaged ones but nothing 'special' enough to even post on the PMD thread. Just keepin em because I like em.

Forum: Coin Roll Hunting
Cool Lincoln Roll Finds (From Bank Rolls) - Post Yours!
Valued Member
United States
242 Posts
Old Post Posted 11/16/2012  08:53 am
Looks pretty whatever it is. Its not a double stamp is it? Or is that lighting/reflection on the date?
Forum: Coin Roll Hunting
Suggestion For Currency Holders For World Currency
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United States
242 Posts
Old Post Posted 11/14/2012  08:16 am
Yeah, I found the wizardcoinsupply via google though glad to know I found the right one hehe. I orded two sets of 100 of modern and two sets of 100 of large which should last me for a few years hehe. Hopefully I havnt made the same mistake again lol. Now I just gotta figure out what I am going to do with the old ones lol.
Forum: World Paper Money and Banknotes

Suggestion For Currency Holders For World Currency
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United States
242 Posts
Old Post Posted 11/13/2012  2:35 pm
Thanks! Google couldnt find em so I glad you had a link!
Forum: World Paper Money and Banknotes
Suggestion For Currency Holders For World Currency
Valued Member
United States
242 Posts
Old Post Posted 11/13/2012  08:23 am
Yeah top loading. I could have sworn someone posted in here a third option. Some kind of mom and pop store. The website says Denlys but I contacted them to ask about their holders as they look nice. They say they are pvc free but I couldnt confirm they were top loading.

I'll look into some super safe top loading. I hope I can find them. I am not in a rush to find them. I don't think they are gunna turn green in less then a year. I just know I want to keep them long term so trying to plan ahead. Since I'll need atleast 100 its gunna cost me 50 to 70$US anyway so gotta plan the expense. :P
Forum: World Paper Money and Banknotes
Suggestion For Currency Holders For World Currency
Valued Member
United States
242 Posts
Old Post Posted 11/12/2012  12:03 pm
Sadly what I really want is just the BCW ones without the pvc. Flimsy is a problem and glad you mentioned that because I didnt realize that and I was considering them. I'll check the other two and see if maybe that should do it. I guess maybe this is another case where I am not 'professional' enough lol. A profesional wouldnt have to have the kind of protection I am looking for I guess lol. Oh well.

Thanks for the help. If anyone else has any ideas love to hear them too. :D
Forum: World Paper Money and Banknotes
Suggestion For Currency Holders For World Currency
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United States
242 Posts
Old Post Posted 11/11/2012  07:20 am
I originally bought the BCW standard currency holders to use with world currency but then I noticed that some of the currency just barely didnt fit and since I wanted uniformity across my collection I upgraded my entire collection to the large BCW. Then I found out that the BCWs even though they say "archival safe" actually use PVC and so they can still give the green tint film on a note over a few years.

Does anyone have a recommendation for an archival safe no PVC bank note holder thats about 8inches by 3.5inches or larger thats similar to the BCW?

I'd like to have a similar construction, three sided, slide in top or bottom as I think thats safest for my environment. I looked at some that had open sides and a flip top and I am afraid of them getting damaged allowing people to flip through them which is what I like to do. With the BCW I can put them 'upside down' and then dust doesn't get in them and people can flip through them without worrying about stray whatever getting inside the sleeves.

Love some help on this. Thanks!
Forum: World Paper Money and Banknotes
Cool Lincoln Roll Finds (From Bank Rolls) - Post Yours!
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United States
242 Posts
Old Post Posted 11/05/2012  9:29 pm
Really reminds me I gotta get back into CRH. Thing is I feel bad going into a bank asking for 25$s in pennies for a 'hobby' when I am in the middle of the huricane zone and people around me are throwing out hundreds of dollars in meat because the havnt had power since the storm. can't get myself to do it just yet.
Forum: Coin Roll Hunting
Dime Roll Searching
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United States
242 Posts
Old Post Posted 10/27/2012  1:47 pm
Amusing Dime Roll Searching moment. Was going through the 'cool coins' pouch I had from the begining of my CRH times, (less then 6 months) ago and came across a 'cool' dime. Silver lol. I know that now but less then 6 months ago I just knew it was different and cool lookin lol. Glad I saved it hehe.
Forum: Coin Roll Hunting
Cool Lincoln Roll Finds (From Bank Rolls) - Post Yours!
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United States
242 Posts
Old Post Posted 10/23/2012  3:12 pm
How much does shipping eat from the value? I mean keep in mind they arent worth more then face till they lift the ban so your investing in a government whim. For all we know they will stop minting them but never lift the ban.

Has someone done the math on like whats the shipping 'by the penny' or 'by the pound' (hehe) or something? Or do you just fill a flatrate and call it a day?

Just curious. I'm saving mine because I think its cool. I may never even smelt them. Be the last man on earth with a copper penny heheheheheh......
Forum: Coin Roll Hunting

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