Handling and Examining Coins - Appraising Your Coin Collection

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Copyright 2015 by Kevin Flynn, All Rights Reserved

It is very important to always handle coins with care. If coins are handled incorrectly, they can be ruined forever. A few simple rules will help keep your coins in the best condition. Handle your coins as little as possible. If you have to pick up your coin, hold it only by the edges. Never touch the front (obverse) or back (reverse) of the coin. Even putting your coin in the palm of your hand can damage a coin. Our skin has oil, plus if there is any dirt on your hands, it can get on the coin. Never handle coins when your hands are dirty. Try to wash your hands before handling coins and make sure they are dry. You could also wear cotton gloves to be completely safe.

Do not eat or drink while examining your coins. If you have to cough or sneeze, put the coin down and turn your head. Try not to talk or breath on the coin, because even vapor can affect the surface of the coin. If you want to hold the coin to examine it, hold the coin between your thumb and index finger. Make sure you keep a soft mat on the table under the coin in case it falls. The condition of a coin has a great deal to do with its value. If a coin is dented, scratched, tarnished, or has ugly fingerprints on it, it will be far less valuable.

Do not attempt to clean a coin. If a coin shows signs of cleaning, it is worth far less. There are ways to remove some dirt using soap and water, but this should be left to the experts. It’s not worth possibly of damaging your coins. Once a coin is cleaned it cannot be restored to its original condition. In the photo on the top left of the next page, the coin is first placed on a protective holder, then examined. In the photo on the right, the coin is being held between the thumb and index finger while being examined.

Girl 1

When examining a coin, it is important to use good lighting. Without good lighting, it is hard to see if a coin has been damaged. It is important to examine all parts of the coin. The value of the coin mainly depends on the condition of the coin. For circulated coins, the amount of wear is the most important part in determining condition. For Mint State coins or coins that have no signs of wear from circulation, the number of marks, scratches, contact marks, nicks, color, and eye appeal are all important. Good lighting is needed to see these flaws. Remember, a small difference in the condition of the coin can have a big difference in the value of the coin.

A strong light is recommended for viewing your coin. Halogen lights are very good. Having a lamp that can be moved around or tilted can be very helpful as you can change the amount of light and not have to move the coin themselves. Hold the coin about 2 to 3 feet from the light. When examining the coin, tilt the coin at an angle so that the light reflects from the coin’s surface to your eye. Tilt and turn the coin so that different parts of the coin can be observed.

To look at a coin real closely, a magnifying glass is used. A magnifying glass is a glass that makes an object look larger. The power of the magnifying glass means how big the object is when you look through it. A magnifying glass that is 2x (x relates to the power) means that an object looks 2 times its normal size. A 10x magnifying glass makes an object look 10 times its normal size. There are many different types of magnifying glasses. They come in different shapes and different power levels. Some have lights attached with them. For normal coin examination a magnifying glass between 4x and 8x should be fine. For looking at very small parts of the coin, use a 10x to 16x. Some glasses are better than others because better glass is used. The coin looks much clearer through these. When buying a magnifying glass, bring a coin with you and examine it through different glasses to see which you like the best. One of the most popular is the 5x packette, which is made by Bausch and Lomb. Below are several different magnifying glasses.

Magnifying Glasses
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Copyright 2015 by Kevin Flynn, All Rights Reserved

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